Antiseptics and Disinfectants MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:24 PM

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  • Antiseptics and Disinfectants is considered one the most difficult concept.

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Antiseptics and Disinfectants

The chemicals used for sterilisation are classified under two headings:

  1. Antiseptics: The term 'septic' is derived from the Greek work septikos which means putrify or rot. In medicine, it indicates the state of being infected with pus forming organisms. Anti-infective agents which are applied locally, i.e., applied directly to the skin wounds, cuts, ulcers and diseased skin surfaces, etc., are known as antiseptics.
    Chemical substances which prevent the growth of microorganisms o kill them but are not harmful to the living human tissues are called antiseptics. Some common examples of antiseptics are: dettol, savlon, acriflavin, gentian iodine, iodoform, potassium permanganate, etc.
  2. Disinfectants: These substances kill the microorganisms or stop their growth but are harmful to the human tissues. These are used for sterilisation of inanimate objects like instruments, utensils, toilets, drains, floors, living tissues and cannot be used on the skin. The examples are phenol, methyl phenols, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, bleaching powder, etc.

The same substances can act as antiseptic or disinfectant depending upon the concentration of the substance in solution. In smaller concentrations, it is an antiseptic while in higher concentrations it becomes disinfectant. For example,0.2% solution of phenol acts as an antiseptic and its 1% solution is a disinfectant.

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