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5 Questions around this concept.
If W1, W2 and W3 represent the work done in moving a particle from A to B along three different paths 1, 2 and 3 respectively (as shown) in the gravitational field of a point mass m, find the correct relation :
Conservative field-
In the conservative field, work done by the force depends only upon the initial and final position.
In the conservative field, work done by the force does not depend on the path.
In the conservative field, work done by the force along a closed path is zero.
Conservative force-
The forces of these type of fields are known as conservative forces.
Example: Electrostatic forces, gravitational forces, the spring force
Non-Conservative field-
In Non- conservative field, work done by the force depends on the path followed between any two positions/points.
In Non-conservative field, work done by the force along a closed path is non-zero.
Non-Conservative Force-
The forces corresponding to Non-Conservative field are known as non-conservative forces.
Non-Conservative Force is dissipative.
Example: Frictional force, Viscous force
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