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Quantum Numbers MCQ - NEET Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

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  • Quantum Numbers is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 47 Questions around this concept.

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The electrons identified by quantum numbers n and l :

(1) n = 4, l = 1      (2)  n = 4, l = 0     (3) n = 3, l = 2     (4) n = 3 , l = 1

Can be placed in order of increasing energy as :

The correct set of four quantum numbers for the valence electrons of rubidium atom (Z=37) is :

Two electrons occupying the same orbital are distinguished by :

The total number of atomic orbitals in fourth energy level of an atom is: 

Which one is the wrong statement?

Which of the following is not a permissible arrangement of electrons in an atom?

What is the sum of principal Quantum No (n) and Azimuthal Quantum number (l) for electrons in 2p orbital?


Which of the following is not possible subshell

Total No. of electrons in "Ne" having " m=0 "

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Which of the following sets of quantum no. is not possible?

Concepts Covered - 1

Quantum Numbers

Quantum numbers:

They are the set of four numbers which explain the state of electron i.e., location, energy, type of orbital, orientation of orbital, etc. in an atom. Various quantum numbers are as follows:

  1. Principal quantum number(n)

  2. Azimuthal quantum number(l)

  3. Magnetic quantum number(m)

  4. Spin quantum number(s)


Principal quantum number(n):

It represents the principal shell of an atom. It can have integral values except zero like 1,2,3,.... Also denoted as K,L,M,.....etc.

Maximum number of electrons in a principal shell can be 2n2 where n is principal quantum number.

This quantum number gives information about :

  • Distance of electron from nucleus i.e., size of electron cloud.
  • Energy of electron in any shell

\mathrm{E_n= -\frac{1312\times Z^2}{n^2} \ \ kJ /mol}

Where, Z is atomic number and n is principal quantum number.


Azimuthal quantum number(l):

Azimuthal quantum number represents the subshell or subenergy shell in an atom.

l has values from 0 to (n-1).

For eg: for n=2 ; l= 0, 1

Subshell notation for 0, 1 is s and p.

No. of electrons [2(2l+1)]: for s subshell = 2; for p subshell = 6.


Magnetic quantum number(m):

It represents the number of orbitals present in a subshell.

m has values ranging from -l to +l including zero.

For eg: for ‘s’ subshell :

  1. Value of l is 0

  2. m has value=0

For ‘p’ subshell :

  1. Value of l is 1

  2. m has value= -1, 0, +1

Spin quantum number(s):

Electron in an orbital can spin either clockwise or anticlockwise.

Thus, an electron can have only two possible values of this quantum number, either +\frac{1}{2}  or -\frac{1}{2} respectively.


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Quantum Numbers

Chemistry Part I Textbook for Class XI

Page No. : 54

Line : 60

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