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Bohr's Model Of An Atom MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Radius, velocity and the energy of nth Bohr orbital is considered one the most difficult concept.

  • 40 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

Which of the following is not a correct value of angular momentum in any shell of an atom

Which of the following statements in relation to the hydrogen atom is correct?

Energy of an electron is given by   E=-2.178\times 10^{-18}J\left ( \frac{Z^{2}}{n^{2}} \right ),Wavelength of light required to excite an electron in a hydrogen atom from level n = 1 to n = 2 will be:

(h=6.62\times10-34Js and c = 3.0 \times108 ms-1)

Calculate the energy in joule corresponding to light of wavelength 45 nm : (Planck's constant h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js;

speed of light c = 3 x 108 ms -1)

According to the Bohr Theory, which of the following transitions in the hydrogen atom will give rise to the least energetic photon?

The energies E1 and E2 of the two radiations are 25 eV and 50 eV respectively. The relation between their wavelengths i.e $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ will be:

 If m and e are the mass and charge of the revolving electron in the orbit of radius r  for hydrogen atom, the total energy of the   
revolving electron will be :                                                    


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Root mean square velocity, average velocity, and most probable velocity of oxygen as is 1500m/s at the temperature of

Concepts Covered - 2

Bohr’s Model for Hydrogen Atom

Bohr's model :

1. Force of attraction between the nucleus and an electron is equal to the centripetal force.

2. mvr= nh/2\pi ,  n = principal quantum number.

3. Energy can be absorbed or emitted when electron transfer orbit  E_{1}-E{_{2}}=h\nu

Bohr’s Model for Hydrogen Atom/Hydrogen-like atoms :

The frequency of radiation (ν) absorbed or emitted when electron jumps between two stationary states that differ in energy by ∆E, is given by:

v= \Delta E/h= \left ( E_{2} -E_{1}\right )/h

E2 is higher energy state and E1 is lower energy state

Radius, velocity and the energy of nth Bohr orbital


Bohr radius of nth orbit:

r_{n}= 0.529 \frac{n^{2}}{z}A^{0}

where Z is atomic number

Velocity of electron in nth orbit:

v_{n}= (2.165\times 10^{6})\frac{z}{n}\: m/s

where z is atomic number

Total energy of electron in nth orbit:

E_{n}= -13.6\: \frac{z^{2}}{n^{2}}eV

Where z is atomic number

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Bohr’s Model for Hydrogen Atom
Radius, velocity and the energy of nth Bohr orbital

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