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Voltmeter MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Voltmeter is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 21 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

A galvanometer of resistance 100Ω has 50 divisions on its scale and has sensitivity of 20μA/ division. It is to be converted to a voltmeter with three ranges, of 02 V,010 V and 020 V. The appropriate circuit to do so is :

A voltmeter having a resistance of 1800Ω is employed to measure the potential difference across 200Ω resistance which is connected to dc power supply of 50 V and internal resistance 20Ω. What is the approximate percent change in the P.D across 200Ω resistance as a result of connecting the voltmeter across it?

A galvanometer has a resistance of 30Ω, and a current of 2 mA is needed for a full scale deflection. The resistance (in Ω ) that should be used to convert it into a voltmeter in the 0.2 V range is

A 100V voltmeter has an internal resistance of 20kΩ.. is connected in series with a large resistance R across a 110V line. If the voltmeter reads 5V then the magnitude of R (in kΩ ) is

 A galvanometer , whose resistance is 50 ohm , has 25 divisions in it. When a current of 4 X 10-4 A passes through it , its needle (pointer) deflects by one division. To use this galvanometer as a voltmeter of range 2.5 V , it should be connected to a resistance (in ohm)  of : 

The actual value of resistance R, shown in the figure is 30Ω. This is measured in an experiment as shown using the standard formula R=VI, Where } V and } I are the readings of the voltmeter and ammeter, respectively. If the measured value of R is 5% less, then the internal resistance (in Ω ) of the voltmeter is: (Round the answer to the nearest integer)

An ideal voltmeter V is connected to a 20Ω resistor and a battery with emf 10V and internal resistance 0.5Ω as in the figure.

The ratio of current in 20Ω resistor with the voltage of the battery

In the given circuit, the voltmeter and the electric cell are ideal. Find the reading of the voltmeter

A constant 60 V d.c. supply is connected across two resistors of resistance 400kΩ and 200kΩ. What is the reading of the voltmeter, also of resistance 200kΩ, when connected across the second resistor as shown in Figure?

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An ammeter A of finite resistance and a resistor R are joined in series to an ideal cell C. A Potentiometer P is joined in parallel to R. The ammeter reading is I0 and the potentiometer reading is V0. P is now replaced by a voltmeter of finite resistance. The ammeter reading now is I and the voltmeter reading is V. Then


Concepts Covered - 1



It is a device used to measure Potential difference and is always put in parallel with the circuit element whose voltage is to be measured

Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter:  by Connecting a large Resistance R  in series. 

- The equivalent resistance of the combination is G+R
- The required value of high resistance to be connected in series with the galvanometer is

R=VIgG=[VVg1]G.V is the total voltage applied across the circuit and Vg is the total 
 voltage drop across the galvanometer.
- if nth  part of the applied voltage across galvanometer, that is Vg=V/n, then R=(n1)G.

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