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AC Voltage Applied To A Resistor MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

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  • AC voltage applied to a resistor is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 8 Questions around this concept.

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Calculate the power factor in given circuit

Concepts Covered - 1

AC voltage applied to a resistor

AC voltage applied to a resistor:

When a constant voltage source or battery is applied across a resistor current is developed in resister. This current has a unique direction and flows from the negative terminal of a battery to positive terminal. The magnitude of the current remains constant as well. If the Direction of current through resistor changes periodically then the current is called alternating current.

Voltage V(t) is applied across resistance R. V(t) is sinusoidal voltage with peak Vm and time period T.


Where f is frequency and ω is angular frequency. This kind of circuit is a purely resistive circuit. According to Kirchhoff's law -


Here voltage and current has same frequency and both are in same phase. Therefore phase difference between current and voltage is 0 .

The maximum value of voltage is achieved at t=T/4.

Peak current,


Power factor:
Ratio of resistance and impedance. The power factor also denoted by cosϕ.

power factor =cos(ϕ)=1


Time difference


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AC voltage applied to a resistor

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