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Center Of Mass MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Center of mass is considered one the most difficult concept.

  • 17 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

Consider a two-particle system with particles having masses  m1 and m2 . If the first particle is pushed towards the centre of mass through a distance d, by what distance should the second particle be moved, so as to keep the centre of mass at the same position?

Consider the system of two particles having masses m1 and m2. If the particle of mass m1 is pushed towards the centre of mass particles through a distance d, by what distance would the particle mass m2 move to keep the mass centre of particles at the original position?


Concepts Covered - 1

Center of mass
  1. Definition-

  • Centre of mass of a body is defined as a single point at which the whole mass of the body or system is imagined to be concentrated and all external forces are applied there.

  • It is the point where if a force is applied it moves in the direction of the force without rotating.



  1. x, y, & z coordinates of centre of mass

  • For a system of N discrete particles





Where m_1, m_2........... are mass of each  particle x_1, x_2 ..........y_1, y_2 ............ z_1, z_2 are respectively x, y, & z coordinates of particles.

  • It is the unique point where the weighted relative position of the distributed mass sums to zero.

  • Centre of Mass of a continuous Distribution

x_{cm}=\frac {\int xdm}{\int dm}, \; \;y_{cm}=\frac{\int ydm}{\int dm}, \;z_{cm}=\frac{\int zdm}{\int dm}

Where dm is mass of small element. x, y, z are the coordinates of dm part.

  1. Important points about position of centre of mass 

  • Its position is independent of the coordinate system chosen.

  • Its position depends upon the shape of the body and distribution of mass.

And depending on this it may lies inside of the body as well as outside the body.

  •  For  symmetrical bodies having the homogenous distribution of mass ,the centre of mass coincides with the geometrical centre of the body.

  • It changes its position only under the translatory motion whereas there is no effect on its position because of rotatory motion of the body.

  1. Centre of gravity-

  • Centre of gravity of a body is a point, through which the resultant of all the forces experienced by various particles of the body due to the attraction of earth, passes irrespective of the orientation of the body.

  • If the body is located in a uniform gravitational field,then the centre of mass coincides with the centre of gravity of body, and if not then  its centre of mass and centre of gravity will be at two different locations.

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Center of mass

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