The quantity of urine depends on the water intake, external temperature, the diet and the individual’s mental and physical condition
A high protein diet increases excretion because the urea formed as a result of catabolism of protein has a diuretic action.
The diuretic action of tea, coffee and cocoa is due to caffeine.
The decreased volume of urine in hot weather is due to an increased loss of water by perspiration.
Increased urine volumes are observed in diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus and certain types of kidney diseases and decreased volumes are found in acute nephritis, fevers, diseases of the heart, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Normal urine is pale yellow or amber. Very dilute urine is colourless.
The colour of the urine is caused by the pigment urochrome. It is a breakdown product of haemoglobin.
The pH range of urine is normally between 4.5 and 8.2.
Fresh urine is normally aromatic.
The ammoniacal smell of urine is due to the action of bacteria on urea.
The smell of urine is due to urinode
Chemical Properties:
About 95% of the volume of urine is water.
Nitrogen, urea, creatine, creatinine, ammonia, uric acid, hippuric acid, oxalic acid, amino acids, allantoin, vitamins, hormones and enzymes are the organic compounds present in urine.
Chloride, phosphate, sulphate, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, etc. are some inorganic compounds present in urine.