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Classification of Bryophytes MCQ - NEET Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

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  • Classification of Bryophytes is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 45 Questions around this concept.

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Classification of Bryophytes

Bryophytes are divided into three classes

  1. Hepaticopsida (Liverworts)
  2. Anthoceropsida (Hornworts)
  3. Bryopsida (Mosses)


  • Members of this class are also called liverworts. 
  • Liverworts are mostly found in moist and shady localities. 
  • The gametophyte can be either thalloid (Riccia, Marchantia) or can have leaf-like appendages in two rows on a stem-like axis (Porella).
  • The thallus is dorsiventral, prostate and has unicellular rhizoids (smooth walled and pegged) and multicellular scales known as Amphigastria on the ventral side. 
  • Dichotomous branching is seen in Riccia and Marchantia.
  • Vegetative reproduction is by fragmentation or by the formation of multicellular green structures called Gemmae (Marchantia).
  •  During sexual reproduction, antheridia and archegonia are formed on the same thallus (Riccia) or on different thalli (Marchantia).
  • The sporophyte is usually complete parasite on gametophyte and has no columella. It has foot and capsule or foot, seta and capsule. 
  • Sterile, unicellular sporogenous cells with spiral wall thickenings known as Elaters are formed in the capsule of some liverworts like Marchantia. These help in Spore dispersal.


  • Members of Anthoceropsida are commonly called as Hornworts because their sporophyte emerges out of the gametophyte in the form of an elongated horn-like structure.
  • The gametophyte is dorsiventral with unicellular rhizoids but without scales. 
  • Thallus of these bryophytes is generally associated with blue-green algae such as Nostoc.
  • Vegetative reproduction occurs through fragmentation.
  • Antheridia and Archegonia are formed singly or in groups on the dorsal side in special chambers.
  • Sporophyte has foot, intercalary meristematic zone and capsule. 
  • Sporophyte is partially parasitic on gametophyte
  • Capsule possess columella and Pseudoelaters.
  • Pseudo elaters help in spore dispersal.
  • Ex: Anthoceros, Notothylas


  • These are also known as mosses.
  • The gametophyte has two stages in the life cycle one is protonema and other is gametophore. 
  • Protonema is prostate, branched filamentous structure which looks like alga. It is formed from spore.
  • Gametophore is adult erect leafy gametophyte that develops from adventitious buds of protonema.
  • Rhizoids are multicellular and branched. Scales are absent.
  • Gametophore has Stem-like structure called cauloid and leaf-like structures called phyllodes. Phyllodes are arranged in an alternate manner on the stem.
  • Vegetative reproduction takes place by fragmentation, gemmae formation and by secondary protonema formed from wounded parts of gametophore.
  • Sex organs arise in groups at the apex of the stem and its branches and are interspersed by multicellular, uniseriate green structures called paraphyses.
  • The sporophyte is partially parasitic on gametophore and differentiated into foot, seta and capsule.
  • Capsule possess peristomial teeth which help in spore dispersal by showing hygroscopic movements. The capsule also possesses columella interior to spore sac.
  • Ex: Funaria (Cord moss or Fire moss), Sphagnum (Peat or Bog-moss).

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Classification of Bryophytes

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