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Electrocardiogram (ECG) MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • ECG is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 23 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

The diagram given here is the standard ECG of a normal person. The P - wave represents the:


In a standard ECG which one of following alphabets is the correct representation of the respective activity of the human heart?

 The T wave in ECG represents


Examine the diagrammatic representation of standard ECG. Select an option with correct matching.

Concepts Covered - 1



  • The representation of the electric current produced by the excitation of the cardiac muscles in the form of a graph is called an electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • The machine by which the electrocardiogram is recorded is called as electrocardiograph. 
  • Electrocardiograph was invented by Einthoven and he is known as the father of electrocardiography
  • An electrocardiogram shows three consecutive waves namely P wave, QRS wave and the T wave. 

1. P wave- 

  • It is a small upward wave that indicates the depolarisation of the atria leading to contraction of both atria. It is caused by the activation of SA node

2. QRS wave

  • It begins after a fraction of a second of the P wave 
  • It begins as a small downward deflection (Q) and continues as large upright (R)  and triangular wave, ending as downward wave (S) at its base
  •  QRS wave indicates depolarization of ventricles
  • It is caused by the impulses of the contraction from AV node through the Bundle of His and Purkinje fibres and the contraction of ventricular muscles
  • In this wave there is a spread of electrical impulses through ventricles
  • The normal duration of the QRS complex is <0.10 seconds

3. T wave

  • The T wave is dome-shaped and it indicates ventricular repolarization ( ventricular relaxation)
  • The end of T waves marks systole 

P-R interval

  • It is the time required for an impulse to travel through the atria and AV node to the remaining conductive tissue.
  • The normal duration of P-R interval is <0.12 to 0.2 seconds
  • The P-R interval is lengthened during conditions like arterosclerotic heart disease and rheumatic fever due to the inflammation of atria and AV node

S-T interval

  • It is the time between the end of the spread of impulse through ventricles and its repolarization.
  • It starts at the end of the S wave and terminates at the beginning of the T wave
  • During acute myocardial infarction S-T segment is elevated while it is depressed during the insufficient supply of oxygen to the muscles

Q-T interval

  • The QT interval represents the time of ventricular activity including both depolarization and repolarization. 
  • It is measured from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave. 
  • The QT interval will vary with patient gender, age and heart rate.
  • The normal duration of Q-T interval is <0.42 seconds

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