NEET Sample Paper 2025 PDF by NTA - Model Question Paper With Solution

End Correction MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • End correction is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 5 Questions around this concept.

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In a resonance pipe, the first and 2nd resonance are obtained at depts 22.7 cm & 70.2 cm. What will be the end correction (in cm)?

Concepts Covered - 1

End correction

End correction -

In the organ pipe as we have studied in the last concept, when the wave reaches the open end, due to collision particle scatters away from the pipe. Due to this the density reduces outside the pipe and forms a rarer medium. 


So, we can say that the wave is not exactly reflected back from the open end of the pipe. So, we can say that the antinodes will form always a little away from the open ends. We can see this in the given figure. So the distance above the open end where an antinode is formed is called end correction. 


This end correction varies with the radius of the pipe and is given as = e=0.6r

Now taking the end correction into account, the frequency of a closed pipe of length $l$ can be given as -


(One end open)
For open pipe -

n_o=\frac{\nu}{2(l+2 e)}

(Both ends open)


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End correction

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