NEET Age Limit 2025 For OBC, SC, General & EWS Category

Imbibition MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

Concepts Covered - 0

Imbibition and Imbibition Pressure
  • It is a special type of diffusion through which water is absorbed by certain substances like colloids, making them increase in volume.
  • The classical example of imbibition is absorption of water by seeds and dry woods.
  • The water is actually adsorbed first on the surface of the substances.
  • An adsorbent is necessary for the process of imbibition.
  • For any substance to imbibe any liquid, the affinity between the adsorbent and the liquid is also a prerequisite.
  • For example, the rubber will not show imbibition when placed in water but when the wood is placed in water, the imbibition will occur.
  • The diffusion pressure of adsorbent/dry material is zero.
  • A diffusion pressure gradient is developed when a dry material comes in contact with water.
  • Imbibition pressure is used for germination of seeds.
  • Proteins are efficient imbibants, followed by starch. Cellulose shows the least imbibing property.
  • Proteinaceous seeds swell more on imbibition as compared to starchy seeds.
  • The first step in the process of water absorption by the root hair cells is imbibition.

Imbibition Pressure

  • The process of imbibition causes an increase in the volume of the imbibant.
  • The increased volume of the imbibant produces a pressure called the imbibition pressure.

Steps during Imbibition

  • The process of imbibition involves the following three steps:
    • 1. Adsorption
    • 2. Capillary action
    • 3. Diffusion

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