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Structures of Ionic Solids MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

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  • 16 Questions around this concept.

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Copper crystallizes in fcc with a unit cell length of 361 pm. What is the radius of copper atom ?

Which of the following ionic solids has the highest packing efficiency?


Which of the following statements is not true for the crystal structure of cesium chloride (CsCl)?


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Structure of Some Ionic Solids

NaCl (Rock Salt)

  • In it CI- ions have CCP structure that is, FCC and Na+ ions occupies octahedral holes (voids) here.
  • Both Na+ and CI- have co-o-ordination number six. The number of formula units per unit cell is four. Example, halides of alkali metals (except CsX) like LiX, NaX, KX, other halides like AgCl, AgBr, NH4Cl oxides like TiO, FeO, NiO.
  • r+ r= a/2  rNa+/rcl- must be 0.414 \text however, it is 0.525.


  • Here Clions are at the comers of a cube and Cs+ ions are in the cubic void (centred position) i.e. BCC like structure.
  • Here co-ordination number of both Csand Cl- is 8 and here the number of formula units per unit cell is 1. re + r= √3a/2.
  • Here rCs+/rCl+ should be 0.732 but it is 0.93, e.g. CsX, TiBr, NH4Cl, NH4Br

ZnS (Zinc-Blende)

  • Here S2- occupies CCP or FCC arrangement while Zn2+ ions occupy alternate tetrahedral voids.
  • Only half of the total voids are occupied.
  • Here co-ordination number of both Zn2+ and S2- is four and here the number of formula units per unit cell is four. For example, ZnS, CuBr, Cul, Agl, etc.
    re + ra = √3a/4

CaF2 (Fluorite Structure)

  • Here Ca2+ occupies CCP and F- ions occupy all the tetrahedral voids.
  • Here coordination number of Ca2+ is 8 while for F- it is four and the effective number of Ca2+ and Fions in a unit cell are 4 and 8 respectively, here the number of formula units per unit cell is four.
    re + ra = √3a/4

Na2O (Anti-Fluorite Structure)

  • Here negative ions (O2-) occupy CCP while cations Naoccupy all the tetrahedral voids.
  • Here co-ordination number of Na' is four while for O2- it is eight, here number of formula units per unit cell is four and the effective number of Liand O2- ions in a unit cell are 8 and 4 respectively.
    re + ra = √3a/4

Normal Spinal Structure (XY2O4)

  • Spinal is MgAl2O4, and spinals, in general, have the formula AB2O4. Here A is divalent cation (Mg2+, Ca2+) and B is trivalent cation Al3+.
  • Here Mg2+ occupy 1/8th of tetrahedral voids while oxide ions 1/ 8 of Al3+ occupy 1/2 of the octahedral voids.
  • As magnetic materials, these are used in telephones, memory loops of computers.

Inverse Spinal Structure (Fe3O4, Magnetite)

  • In Fe3O4, Fe3+ and Fe2+ are present in 2:1 ratio.
  • Here oxides ions are in CCP while Fe2+ ions occupy 1 octahedral voids while Fe3+ occupy 1 octahedral and 1 tetrahedral voids.
  • Here O2- ions form the FCC unit cell.
  • Here the formula ratio of
    Fe2+ : Fe3+ : O2- = 1 : 2 : 4
  • MgFe2O4, Pb3O4, Mn3O4 have also this type of structure.

Effect of T and P on Crystal Structure

  • On increasing the temperature of the CsCl structure coordination number decreases from 8:8 to 6:6.
    \mathrm{CsCl} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{NaCl\: Structure}
      8:8                 6:6
  • On subjecting the NaCl structure to high pressure it will increase coordination number from 6:6 to 8:8.
    \mathrm{NaCl} \stackrel{\text { highly pressurized }}{\longrightarrow}\mathrm{CsCl\: Structure}
      6:6                                          8:8

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