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Deforestation MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Deforestation is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 5 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II and select the correct option given below : 


Column I   Column II
a. Eutrophication i. UV - B radiation


Sanitary landfill ii. Deforestation
c. Snow blindness iii. Nutrient enrichment
d. Jhum cultivation iv. Waste disposal


Concepts Covered - 1

  • Deforestation is the conversion of forested areas to non-forested ones.
  •  A number of human activities contribute to deforestation.
  • One of the major reasons is the conversion of forest to agricultural land so as to feed the growing human population. 
  • Trees are axed for timber, firewood, cattle ranching and for several other purposes. Slash and burn agriculture, commonly called as Jhum cultivation in the north-eastern states of India, has also contributed to deforestation. 
  • In slash and burn agriculture, the farmers cut down the trees of the forest and burn the plant remains. 
  • The ash is used as a fertiliser and the land is then used for farming or cattle grazing.
  • After cultivation, the area is left for several years so as to allow its recovery. 
  • The farmers then move on to other areas and repeat this process. 
  • In earlier days, when Jhum cultivation was in prevalence, enough time-gap was given such that the land recovered from the effect of cultivation. 
  • With increasing population, and repeated cultivation, this recovery phase is done away with, resulting in deforestation. 

Consequences of deforestation: 

  • One of the major effects is enhanced carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere because trees that could hold a lot of carbon in their biomass are lost with deforestation.
  • Deforestation also causes loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction, disturbs hydrologic cycle, causes soil erosion, and may lead to desertification in extreme cases. 


  • Reforestation is the process of restoring a forest that once existed but was removed at some point of time in the past. 
  • Reforestation may occur naturally in a deforested area. However, we can speed it up by planting trees with due consideration to biodiversity that earlier existed in that area.


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