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Predation MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Predation is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 14 Questions around this concept.

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Study the four statements (a-d) given below and select the two correct ones out of them:

(i) A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain are ecologically similar in being consumers

(ii) Predator star fish Pisaster helps in maintaining species diversity of some invertebrates

(iii) Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey species

(iv) Production of chemicals such as nicotine, strychnine by the plants are metabolic disorders

The two correct statements are:

Study the four statements (a-d) given below and select the two correct ones out of them

  1. A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain are ecologically similar in being consumers
  2. Predator starfish Pisaster helps in maintaining the species diversity of some invertebrates
  3. Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey species
  4. Production of chemicals such as nicotine, and strychnine by the plants are metabolic disorders

The two correct statements are:

In a field experiment, the removal of every Pisaster starfish from a closed intertidal area led to the following outcomes:

A ______ is an organism that lives in or on another creature and obtains nutrition at the expense of the host organism.

Frogs may defend themselves from predators by

Choose the false one:

Which of the following describes a facultative predator?



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Why do some predators only target a particular kind of prey?

Concepts Covered - 1



  • It is an interspecific interaction, where an animal called predator kills and consumes the other weaker animal called prey. This is a biological control method.
  • Predation as nature’s way of transferring the energy fixed by the plants to higher trophic levels.
  • Although animals eating plants are categorised separately as herbivores, they are, in a broad ecological context, not very different from predators.

Role of Predators in an ecosystem:

  • Predators keep prey populations under control. But for predators, prey species could achieve very high population densities and cause ecosystem instability. 
  • Biological control methods adopted in agricultural pest control are based on the ability of the predator to regulate prey population. 
  • Predators also help in maintaining species diversity in a community, by reducing the intensity of competition among competing prey species. 
  • In the rocky intertidal communities of the American Pacific Coast the starfish Pisaster is an important predator. 
  • In a field experiment, when all the starfish were removed from an enclosed intertidal area, more than 10 species of invertebrates became extinct within a year, because of interspecific competition.

Strategies adapted by prey to avoid predation:

  • If a predator is too efficient and over exploits its prey, then the prey might become extinct and following it, the predator will also become extinct for lack of food. 
  • This is the reason why predators in nature are ‘prudent’. 
  • Prey species have evolved various defenses to lessen the impact of predation. 
  • Some species of insects and frogs are cryptically-coloured (camouflaged) to avoid being detected easily by the predator. 
  • Some are poisonous and therefore avoided by the predators. 
  • The Monarch butterfly is highly distasteful to its predator (bird) because of a special chemical present in its body.
  • Interestingly, the butterfly acquires this chemical during its caterpillar stage by feeding on a poisonous weed.

Adaptations in plants to deter herbivores:

  • For plants, herbivores are the predators. 
  • Nearly 25 percent of all insects are known to be phytophagous (feeding on plant sap and other parts of plants). 
  • The problem is particularly severe for plants because, unlike animals, they cannot run away from their predators.
  • Plants therefore have evolved an astonishing variety of morphological and chemical defences against herbivores. 
  • Thorns (Acacia, Cactus) are the most common morphological means of defence. 
  • Many plants produce and store chemicals that make the herbivore sick when they are eaten, inhibit feeding or digestion, disrupt its reproduction or even kill it. 
  • The weed Calotropis grows in abandoned fields. The plant produces highly poisonous cardiac glycosides and that is why you never see any cattle or goats browsing on this plant. 
  • A wide variety of chemical substances that we extract from plants on a commercial scale (nicotine, caffeine, quinine, strychnine, opium, etc.,) are produced by them actually as defences against grazers and browsers.

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