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Kinematics Terminologies MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

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  • 25 Questions around this concept.

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An insect is moving on a spherical surface from one point to another point with constant speed which will describe its motion in the best way.

 Which of the following case represent the graph correctly?

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Kinematics terminologies
  • Kinematics- In kinematics, we study ways to describe motion without going into the causes of motion.

  • Important terms

  1. Rest-A body is said to be at rest if it does not change its position with respect to its surroundings with the passage of time.

              e.g: A book lying on the table.

        2. Motion- Motion is known as change in position of an object with time.

                 e.g  A moving bus.

  • Note= Rest and motion are relative to each other.

               e.g   All passenger sitting inside moving bus are at rest with respect to one another. 

                    But all are appears to be in motion to a man standing outside the bus.

  • Types of Motion

        There are three types of motion.

             I.  One Dimension (1-D)-

           If only one coordinate is used to describe the motion of an object.

            - Motion is straight line is 1-D.

               E.g: Train running on single track, Apple falling from a tree

        II.   Two Dimension (2-D)-

                       When two coordinates are used to describe the motion of an object.

                         - Motion in plane is 2-D.

                       E.g Earth revolves around the sun.

          III. Three Dimension -

                       When all the three coordinates are used to describe the motion of an object.

                       - Motion in space is 3-D.

                    e.g: object moving in space.

  1.  Reference point-

          For measuring position(or location) of object we need reference point.

           Origin(O) of rectangular coordinate system is taken as a starting point of object as reference point.  

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Kinematics terminologies

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