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Pi Bonds MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • p?-p? and p?-d? bonding is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 13 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

The number and type of bonds in \mathrm{C_{2}^{2-}} ion in CaC2 are :

How many pπpπ and pπdπ bonds are present in SO3 ?

The outer orbitals of C in ethene molecule can be considered to be hybridized to give three equivalent sp2 orbitals. The total number of sigma (σ) and pi π bonds in ethene molecule is

Which one of the following molecules contains no π bond?

Concepts Covered - 1

p?-p? and p?-d? bonding

p?-p? Bonding

When one p-orbital of one atom is vacant and the other atom has a lone pair of electrons then if this lone pair is donated to the vacant p-vacant orbital then the type of bond formed is known as p?-p? bonding. 

For example, Boron ib BF3 has one empty p-orbital and p-orbital of fluorine contains lone pair, thus in this case boron acts as a Lewis acid and fluorine as a Lewis base. Thus, Fluorine donates its lone pair to boron and thus forms p?-p? bonding.


p?-d? Bonding

When one d-orbital of one atom is vacant and the other atom has a lone pair of electrons then if this lone pair is donated to the vacant d-vacant orbital then the type of bond formed is known as p?-d? bonding. In other words, p?-d? bond is formed when p orbital of one atom and d orbital of another atom overlap laterally.

For example, PO43- has a p?-d? bonding because the lateral overlap of p-orbital of oxygen atom with d-orbital of sulphur atom occurs.

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p?-p? and p?-d? bonding

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Reference Books

p?-p? and p?-d? bonding

Chemistry Part I Textbook for Class XI

Page No. : 119

Line : 20

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