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Spherical Mirrors MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 25, 2023 25:23 PM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Spherical mirrors is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 7 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

A hemispherical glass body of radius 10 cm and refractive index 1.5 is silvered on its curved surface.  A small air bubble is 6 cm below the flat surface inside it along the axis.  The position of the image of the air bubble made by the mirror is seen :


 You are asked to design a shaving mirror assuming that a person keeps it 10 cm from his face and views the magnified image of the face at the closest comfortable distance of 25 cm. The radius of curvature of the mirror would then be :

If x and y are the distances of the object and image formed by a concave mirror from its focus and f is the focal length then -

NEET 2025: SyllabusMost Scoring concepts NEET PYQ's (2015-24)

NEET PYQ's & Solutions: Physics | ChemistryBiology

Select a graph between \mathrm{'v'} and \mathrm{'u'} for a concave mirror.

Select a graph for concave mirror between 1 / v and 1 / u.

Concepts Covered - 1

Spherical mirrors

 Spherical mirror-

It is a part of a transparent hollow sphere whose one surface is polished.

There are two types of spherical mirrors: concave, and convex.

In the above figure, A concave (left) and a convex (right) mirror is shown.

Some important terminology-

  • Centre of curvature (C)- The Centre of the sphere of which the mirror is a part is called Centre of curvature.
  • Pole (P)- The geometrical centre of the spherical reflecting surface.
  • The radius of curvature (R)- The radius of the sphere of which the mirror is a part is called the radius of curvature.

     or R=Distance between pole and centre of curvature

         \left( Note \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ R_{\text {concave }}=-v e, \quad R_{\text {convex }}=+v e, R_{\text {plane }}=\infty\right)

  • Principle axis- A line passing through P and C is known as the Principle axis.
  • Focus (F)- When a narrow beam of rays of light, parallel to the principal axis and close to it, is incident on the surface of a mirror, the reflected beam is found to coverage to or appears to diverge from a point on the principal axis. This point is called the focus.

     or  An image point on the principal axis for which object is at \infty is called the focus.

        C, P, F for a concave mirror are shown in the below figure.


  • Focal Length (f)- It is the distance between the pole and the principal focus. For spherical mirrors, f=\frac{R}{2}

          \left(i.e \ \ f_{\text {concare }}=-v e, f_{\text {convex }}=+v e, f_{\text {plane }}=\infty\right)

  • Focal plane- A plane passing from focus and perpendicular to the principal axis.



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Spherical mirrors

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