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Budding & Its Types MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

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  • 4 Questions around this concept.

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Budding is a method of asexual reproduction found in 

Which of the following statement is correct w.r.t budding?

Which of the following options represents the similarity between budding and binary fission?

The fully matured tiny individuals detach from the parent body and become new independent individuals during which of the following types of reproduction?

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Budding & Its Types
  • In this type of asexual reproduction, the parent organism divides itself into two unequal parts. 
  • The daughter organism is formed through a small part called a bud.
  • Budding can occur in both unicellular and multicellular organisms.
  • It begins by developing a small bud (outgrowth) of a side of the parent organism. 
  • The bud may develop from any part of the organism, but in most cases, there are special areas on the parent organisms that promote bud development. 
  • Then the bud breaks off as a completely new organism. 
  • Organisms such as yeast (unicellular organism), hydra (multicellular organism, sponges and some worms (flatworm) reproduce in this way. 
  • The two new organisms will have identical DNA.
  • Budding are of two types: (a) Exogenous or External budding  (b) Endogenous or Internal budding
  • Exogenous budding- Initially, a small outgrowth of the parent's body develops into a miniature individual. It then separates from mother's body to lead a free life. Example- Hydra.
  • Endogenous budding-  In fresh water sponges like spongilla and marine sponges like sycon, the parent body releases a specialised mass of cells enclosed in an envelope called Gemmule. Each gemmule gives rise to an offspring gemmule and these are considered as internal buds. Example - Spongilla, Sycon.

Budding in Yeast:

  • The bud develops on one side of the cell.
  • The nucleus divides mitotically and one of the two daughter nuclei shifts to the bud.
  • The young bud is small. It grows in size, gets separated and grows as a new organism.
  • Sometimes, there can be many buds attached that can further bear daughter buds.
  • This stage is called the torula stage and the process is called torulation.
  • Budding are of two types: (a) Exogenous or External budding  (b) Endogenous or Internal budding.

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