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Classification of Angiosperms MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

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 Absence of the apical bud leads to ______ stem. 

 A mango tree produces flowers in every season, therefore it is 

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Classification of Angiosperms

Classification of Angiosperms

Angiosperms or flowering plants can be classified into different types on the basis of the following criteria:

 A. Types of angiosperms on the basis of form:

1. Herbs: These are non-woody plants. The stem is short, delicate and green. For example, grasses. Banana is the largest perennial herb.

2. Shrubs: These are woody plants that are branched near the ground. The stem does not develop into the trunk. For example,     rose, China rose, etc.

3. Trees: These are woody plants that are branched at some height. They have a well-developed trunk. Trees can be of following types:

  • Excurrent or conical trees: These trees have a thick base which gradually becomes thinner towards the upper portion. The branching occurs in acropetal succession. For example, Pinus, Eucalyptus etc.
  • Caudex or columnar trees: These trees have an unbranched stem that has a crown of leaves at the apex, for example, Cycas.
  • Deliquescent/Decurrent trees: Due to the death of apical bud of the stem, the branches and sub-branches grow vigorously and spread in different directions, for example, Ficus, Tamarind, Mango, etc.
  • Culms: The stem is clearly marked with nodes and internodes. The nodes are solid while the internodes are hollow.


B. Types of angiosperms on the basis of life span:

1. Annuals: These plants complete their life cycle within one season, for example, mustard, rice, wheat, groundnut etc. Those annual plants that complete their life cycle within a brief period, like 4 to 6 weeks, are called ephemerals, for example, asparagus.

2. Biennials: These plants complete their life cycle in two growing seasons, that is, vegetative phase in the first season and reproductive phase in the second season. For example, carrot, radish, turnip, etc.

3. Perennials: These plants continue to grow for a number of seasons or for many years. They achieve extensive vegetative growth and then mature reproductively. These can be:

  • Polycarpic if they produce flowers every year, for example, apple, mango, lemon, etc.
  • Monocarpic if they produce flowers only once in their life cycle, for example, Agave americana (century plant), bamboo.

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Classification of Angiosperms

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