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The Stem and Its Functions MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

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  • 13 Questions around this concept.

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Select incorrect statement w.r.t stem. 

Vegetative propagule in Agave is termed as:

 Which of the following structures develop into branches and leaves? 

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The Stem and Its Functions

The Stem and Its Functions

  • Stem is a major organ of the shoot system of plant body.
  • It arises through the elongation of plumule of the embryo.
  • Stem is negatively geotropic, negatively hydrotropic and positively phototropic.
  • Stem differs from root because it shows a clear demarcation of nodes and internodes.
  • Nodes are the regions of the stem where leaves are borne.
  • Internode is the region between two nodes.
  • Stem bears vegetative buds that are responsible for the growth of the plant.
  • The apical bud adds to the height of the plant while the axillary bud allows the growth of lateral branches.
  • Stem also bears floral buds.
  • Young stem is generally green due to the presence of chlorophyll. Hence, young stem is photosynthetic.
  • Older stem of trees becomes woody and dark brown.

Types of Stems:

  1. Aerial Stem: Erect, rigid, strong and upright as can be seen in herbs, shrubs and trees.
  2. Sub-aerial Stem: Weak, cannot stay upright as seen in creepers and climbers.
  3. Underground Stem: It stays buried in the soil and produces aerial branches under favourable conditions.



Functions of the Stem:

  • Its main function is to spread out branches bearing leaves, flowers and fruits.
  • It conducts water, minerals and photosynthates.
  • Modified stems serve for perennation, vegetative propagation, storage of reserve food, support, climbing and clinging.


  • Buds are the lateral or terminal outgrowths on the stems of vascular plants.
  • These buds may develop into a flower, leaf or shoot.
  • Buds can be classified on the basis of their function and position.

Types of buds on the basis of their functions:

1. Vegetative buds: These contain embryonic leaves or branches. They grow into leaves or branches. These can be terminal or axillary.


2. Floral buds: These are also called reproductive buds as they contain embryonic flowers. They grow into flowers.

3. Tendrillar buds: They grow into tendrils.

Types of buds of the basis of their position:

1. Terminal or apical buds: They develop at the apex of the main stem or at the apex of branches. For example, cabbage is a large apical bud.

2. Lateral buds: They can develop into lateral branches or flowers. These are further classified into the following types:

  • Axillary buds: they arise in the axils of the leaf.
  • Accessory buds: more than one bud that arise in the axils of the leaf.
  • Sub Petiolar buds: these are covered with the leaf base. They remain dormant for a long period.

3. Adventitious buds: These buds arise at any position except for their normal position. For example, epiphyllous or foliar buds present on the leaf margins in case of Bryophyllum; radical buds present on roots in case of sweet potato, dahlia, etc. 

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The Stem and Its Functions

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