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13 Questions around this concept.
Select incorrect statement w.r.t stem.
Vegetative propagule in Agave is termed as:
Which of the following structures develop into branches and leaves?
NEET 2025: Syllabus | Most Scoring concepts | NEET PYQ's (2015-24)
The Stem and Its Functions
Types of Stems:
Functions of the Stem:
Types of buds on the basis of their functions:
1. Vegetative buds: These contain embryonic leaves or branches. They grow into leaves or branches. These can be terminal or axillary.
2. Floral buds: These are also called reproductive buds as they contain embryonic flowers. They grow into flowers.
3. Tendrillar buds: They grow into tendrils.
Types of buds of the basis of their position:
1. Terminal or apical buds: They develop at the apex of the main stem or at the apex of branches. For example, cabbage is a large apical bud.
2. Lateral buds: They can develop into lateral branches or flowers. These are further classified into the following types:
3. Adventitious buds: These buds arise at any position except for their normal position. For example, epiphyllous or foliar buds present on the leaf margins in case of Bryophyllum; radical buds present on roots in case of sweet potato, dahlia, etc.
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