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Modification of the Underground Stem - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Modification of the Underground Stem is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 12 Questions around this concept.

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Which one of the following is correctly matched

An example of edible underground stem is :

Concepts Covered - 1

Modification of the Underground Stem

Modification of the Underground Stem

  • Underground stem may appear to be root but show features of stem like distinct nodes and internodes.
  • They bear scaly non-green leaves with axillary buds.
  • These act as organ of perennation and storage of food.


  • It is fleshy, non-green, underground stem.
  • There is a clear demarcation of nodes and internodes.
  • They have terminal bud as well as axillary bud.
  • Axillary buds are present in the axils of each scaly leaf. 
  • They can give rise to new shoots.
  • For example, Ginger, turmeric, banana, etc.

Stem Tuber

  • Stem tubers are swollen underground branches (stolons).
  • These are swollen due to storage of food.
  • These are covered with corny skin and small depressions called eyes.
  • Each eye represents node.
  • These can sprout and produce new shoots.
  • They lack adventitious roots.
  • For example, potato


  • These are highly condensed discoid stems.
  • The upper surface is conical and bears apical bud.
  • There are numerous scaly leaves which store food.
  • When scaly leaves surround the apical bud in the form of concentric rings, it is called tunicated bulb, for example, onion.
  • When scaly leaves partially surround the apical bud, it is called scaly bulb, for example, garlic.
  • From the lower surface, adventitious roots arise.


  • It is condensed rhizome which grows vertically downwards.
  • It has a flattened base.
  • There are distinct circular nodes and internodes.
  • The scaly leaves and axillary buds arise from the nodes.
  • Adventitious roots may arise at nodes or all over the body.
  • For example, colocasia, zaminkand (yam), saffron, etc.

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Modification of the Underground Stem

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