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4 Questions around this concept.
Lamina is reduced in
More about Lamina
Shape of lamina:
Margins of lamina:
Apex of lamina:
Surface of lamina:
Glaucus : Covered by waxy coating with white tinge. e.g., Calotropis. |
Scabrous : Rough surface. e.g., Ficus. |
Viscose : Sticky surface. e.g., Cleome. |
Pubescent: Covered with soft and wooly hair. e.g., Tomato. |
Pilose : Covered with long distinct scattered hair. e.g., Grewia pilosa. |
Hispid : Covered with long rigid hair. e.g., Cucurbita. |
Spinose : Covered with small spines. e.g., Solanum xanthocarpum. |
Texture of lamina:
Herbaceous : When the lamina is thin and soft. |
Coriaceous : When the lamina is leathery. |
Succulent : When the lamina is thick, soft and juicy. |
Hygrophytic : When the lamina is very thin, membranous and spongy. |
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