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Cymose Inflorescence and Its Types MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

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Cymose Inflorescence and Its Types

Cymose Inflorescence and Its Types 

Cymose Inflorescence:

  • This type of inflorescence is also known as determinate or definite inflorescence.
  • Each peduncle or axis, whether main or axillary terminates into a flower.
  • Younger flowers arise from the base of the older ones.
  • Hence, the arrangement of flowers is in basipetal succession, that is, the older ones appear at the top and the younger ones at the base.

1. Solitary Cymose:

  • It is the most simple type of inflorescence.
  • The main axis does not branch and always ends in a single flower.
  • For example, China Rose, Hibiscus, etc.

2. Uniparous / Monochasial Cyme:

  • Main axis terminates into a flower.
  • The lateral branch arise at the base of the terminal flower and acts as main axis.
  • It also terminates into the flower.
  • Monochasial cyme is of two types:
  1. Helicoid Monochasial Cyme: successive branching occurs at the same side such that the inflorescence acquires helical shape, e.g., Begonia, Drocera, etc.
  2. Scorpioid Monochasial Cyme: successive branching occurs on both sides in zig-zag or alternate manner, e.g., Ranunculus.


3. Dichasial / Biparous Cyme:

  • The main axis terminates into a flower.
  • Two new lateral branches arise from the base of the older one.
  • These also end in flowers.
  • The older flower appears in the centre while the younger flowers are towards the periphery. This type of arrangement in called centrifugal succession.
  • For example, Bougainvillea, Dianthus

3. Polychasial / Multiparous Cyme:

  • The main axis terminates into a flower.
  • Many new flowers arise at the base of the older flower.
  • For example, calotropis

4. Cymose Head:

  • The peduncle is flattened.
  • Many sessile and centrifugally arranged flowers are seen around the peduncle.
  • The difference between racemose head and the cymose head inflorescence is of the arrangement of florets.
  • The arrangement is centripetal in the racemose head while it is centrifugal in the cymose head.
  • For example, Acacia

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Cymose Inflorescence and Its Types

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