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Difference Between Striated Muscles and Smooth Muscles MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

Quick Facts

  • Unstriped or Non-striated or Visceral or Smooth or Involuntary Muscle is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 20 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

The type of muscles present in our:

Smooth muscles are

Which one of the following is correct pairing of a body part and the kind of muscle tissue that moves it?

Which one of the following statement is incorrect?

Concepts Covered - 2

Striped or Striated or Skeletal or Voluntary Muscle


  • Skeletal muscles are found in limbs, body walls, pharynx, initial regions of the oesophagus.
  • These are voluntary muscles i.e. they are under the control of an individual’s will. 


  • These muscles fibres are found in the form of bundles.
  • These are attached to the skeleton.
  • A muscle fibre is an elongated cell. It is surrounded by sarcolemma ( plasma membrane of muscle fibre).
  • These muscle fibres are multinucleated. Nuclei are irregularly scattered in the cytoplasm of muscle fibre which is called sarcoplasm. 
  • In the sarcoplasm, tightly bound myofibrils are present.

Skeletal muscles are under the control of an animal's will and their contraction causes movements.


Unstriped or Non-striated or Visceral or Smooth or Involuntary Muscle


  • These muscles are found in the posterior part of oesophagus, stomach, intestine, lungs, urogenital tract, urinary bladder, blood vessels, iris of the eye, the dermis of the skin 
  • These muscles never connect with the skeleton.
  • These muscle fibres are elongated, spindle-shaped, containing an oval nucleus. 
  • Striped muscles are involuntary muscle i.e. they are not under the control of an animal's will. 


  • Unstriped muscles aid in peristalsis.
  • Smooth muscle determines the flow of blood in the arteries.
  • They regulate airflow in the lungs.
  • Smooth muscles in arteries and veins are largely responsible for the regulation of blood pressure.

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Striped or Striated or Skeletal or Voluntary Muscle
Unstriped or Non-striated or Visceral or Smooth or Involuntary Muscle

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