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Evidence of Embryology MCQ - Practice Questions with Answers

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #NEET

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  • 14 Questions around this concept.

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Embryological support for evolution was disapproved by

Ontogeny repeats phylogeny was stated by 

Given below are four statements (A – D) each with one or two blanks. Select the option which correctly fill ups the blanks in two statements.

  1. Wings of butterfly and birds look alike and are the results of (i) _____ evolution.
  2. Miller showed that CH4 , H2, NH3, and (i) ______ when exposed to electric discharge in a flask resulted in formation of (ii) _______.
  3. Vermiform appendix is a (i) _______ organ and an (ii) _______ evidence of evolution.
  4. According to Darwin evolution took place due to (i) ________ and (ii) ________ of the fittest.

Alfred Russel Wallace divided the whole world into six major biogeographical regions or realms, these realms are

i) Australian                                                          vii) Neotropical 

ii) African                                                               viii) Oriental

iii) Europion                                                           ix) Pelargic

iv) Netherlands                                                      x) Palearctic

v) Pacific                                                                xi) Nearctic

vi) Ethiopian 

Embryological support for evolution was proposed by:

The embryological support for evolution was proposed by:

The power of moving pinna in some people is an example of

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Concepts Covered - 1

Embryological Evidence


  • Study of the developmental history of any individual plant or animal is convincing evidence in favor of the evolution theory. 
  • Every organism during its own development repeats the evolutionary history of its ancestors.
  • Ernst Haeckel provided for biogenetic law stating that ontogeny repeats phylogeny.
  • Ontogeny is the life history of an organism while phylogeny is the evolutionary history of the race of that organism.
  • We are familiar with the tadpole larva of the toad which resembles the fish-like ancestors of the class amphibia to which toad belongs. 
  • Even in chick and human embryos, there is a brief stage in which rudimentary and non-functional gill slits appear for a short time.
  • The occurrence of a fish-like stage with gill slits in the toad, chick, and mammalian embryos can only be explained on the ground that they have descended from a fish-like ancestral stock.
  • The adults of two species of animals may resemble each other very little, but their embryos may do so very strongly. For example, early stages of chick and rabbit are almost indistinguish­able, whereas the adults are easily distinguished from each other.

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Embryological Evidence

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