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The NEET 2025 marks vs rank will be made available for the medical aspirants after the declaration of results. The most asked query of the candidates who appear for the NEET UG exam is what rank will they get on a particular score. To help the students, Careers360 has here provided the NEET 2024 marks vs ranks analysis so that candidates can get an estimate of the marks they should target for in the upcoming NEET UG exam. Aspirants can check the NEET score vs ranks from the article below.
Aspirants must be aware of the marking scheme to understand the method of calculation of NEET 2025 marks vs rank. By taking the help of rank vs marks NEET 2025 candidates can get a rough idea of the expected rank based on responses given by them. NEET is the single national-level medical entrance examination for admission to medical, dental, AYUSH, BVSc & AH colleges in the nation.
Candidates can check the detailed analysis of NEET marks vs ranks along with the previous year's data to have the convenience about the marks scored and rank achieved. The NEET result marks vs rank table given below have been made based on previous year trends and may vary depending on the factors listed. For all details about NEET UG 2025 result marks vs rank check this article.
Trusted by 3,500+ universities and colleges globally | Accepted for migration visa applications to AUS, CAN, New Zealand , and the UK
Candidates must note the derivation of data of NEET UG 2025 rank vs marks follows the previous year's trends, i.e., 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017. Another important thing is that the data provided below is indicative and varies depending on factors like:
The NEET 2025 rank vs marks data will be made available only after the NTA declares the result. Meanwhile, candidates can check the NEET marks vs rank data of the previous year's NEET UG exam.
Following are certain salient features of NEET marks vs rank 2023 that must be considered by candidates:
The highest marks secured by any candidate in NEET 2024 were 720, NEET 2023 were 720, NEET 2022 were 715, NEET 2021 were 720, NEET 2020 were 720, NEET 2019 were 701, NEET 2018 were 691 and for NEET 2017 were 697.
The qualifying score for unreserved category candidates in NEET 2024 was 162, NEET 2023 was 137, NEET 2022 was 117, NEET 2021 was 138. However, for NEET 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017 it was 147, 134, 119, and 131 respectively.
An important fact to be considered is that as we go through the marks in decreasing order, the number of candidates securing those marks increases. For instance, the rank of candidates securing 650-601 lies between 4677-20568, however, those securing 550-451 is 49121-125742
The last rank of candidates qualifying for NEET 2023, NEET 2022, NEET 2021, NEET 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017 is 1750199, 1534697, 1545759, 1545759, 1374142, 634897, and 543473 respectively.
The opening rank of a marks range is given in continuation to the closing rank because there are a lot of candidates scoring the same marks.
Marks | Rank |
720 | 1 - 89 |
705 | 542 |
700 | 2250 |
690 | 4406 |
656 | 25500 |
650 | 29000 |
645 | 33848 |
615 | 65000 |
606 | 70000 |
603 | 77000 |
591 | 91527 |
550 | 144000 |
Marks | Rank | Percentile |
715 - 701 | 1 - 48 | 99.99977254 - 99.99727052 |
700 - 651 | 97 - 4245 | 99.99448417 - 99.75861151 |
650 - 601 | 4677 - 20568 | 99.73404618 - 98.83041734 |
600 - 551 | 21162 - 48400 | 98.79664001 - 97.2477732 |
550 - 451 | 49121 - 125742 | 97.20677412 - 92.84978301 |
450 - 401 | 126733 - 177959 | 92.79343059 - 89.88050559 |
400 - 351 | 179226 - 241657 | 89.80845866 - 86.25837041 |
350 - 301 | 243139 - 320666 | 86.17409768 - 81.76558761 |
300 - 251 | 322702 - 417675 | 81.64981212 - 76.24924939 |
250 - 201 | 420134 - 540747 | 76.10942035 - 69.25085979 |
200 - 151 | 544093 - 710276 | 69.06059221 - 59.6107305 |
150 - 101 | 715384 - 990231 | 59.32026822 - 43.69131616 |
100 - 51 | 1001694 - 1460741 | 43.0394819444824 - 16.93614606 |
50 - 0 | 1476066 - 1750199 | 16.0647023500832 - 0.4763513206 |
Must check - NEET result | NEET cut off | NEET Toppers | NEET cut off for government colleges
Marks | Rank |
720 - 715 | 1 - 19 |
710 - 700 | 23 - 202 |
698 - 690 | 204 - 512 |
688 - 680 | 522 - 971 |
679 - 670 | 992 - 1701 |
669 - 660 | 1702 - 2751 |
659 - 650 | 2759 - 4163 |
649 - 640 | 4170 - 6061 |
639 - 630 | 6065 - 8522 |
629 - 620 | 8535 - 11463 |
619 - 610 | 11464 - 15057 |
609 - 600 | 15070 - 19136 |
599 - 590 | 19141 - 23731 |
589 - 580 | 23733 - 28745 |
579 - 570 | 28752 - 34261 |
569 - 560 | 34269 - 40257 |
559 - 550 | 40262 - 46747 |
549 - 540 | 46754 - 53539 |
539 - 530 | 53546 - 60853 |
529 - 520 | 60855 - 68444 |
519 - 510 | 68448 - 76497 |
509 - 500 | 76500 - 85025 |
499 - 490 | 85032 - 93986 |
489- 480 | 93996 - 103350 |
479 - 470 | 103369 - 113223 |
469 - 460 | 113233 - 123338 |
459 - 450 | 123346 - 133916 |
449 - 440 | 133919 - 144909 |
439 - 430 | 144916 - 156179 |
429 - 420 | 156204 - 168034 |
419 - 410 | 168039 - 180302 |
409 - 400 | 180312 - 193032 |
399 - 390 | 193048 - 206241 |
389 - 380 | 206257 - 219764 |
379 - 370 | 219770 - 233843 |
369 - 360 | 233864 - 248477 |
359 - 350 | 248480 - 263339 |
349 - 340 | 263357 - 278814 |
339 - 330 | 278863 - 294772 |
329 - 320 | 294808 - 311293 |
319 - 310 | 311297 - 328377 |
309 - 300 | 328386 - 345954 |
299 - 290 | 345964 - 363964 |
289 - 280 | 363970 - 382695 |
279 - 270 | 382711 - 402154 |
269 - 260 | 402189 - 422163 |
259 - 250 | 422166 - 442631 |
249 - 240 | 442639 - 464126 |
239 - 230 | 464135 - 486718 |
229 - 220 | 486731 - 510131 |
219 - 210 | 510168 - 535169 |
209 - 200 | 535197 - 560995 |
199 - 190 | 561027 - 588519 |
189 - 180 | 588561 - 618096 |
179 - 170 | 618132 - 650040 |
169 - 160 | 650046 - 684698 |
159 - 150 | 684720 - 721833 |
149 - 140 | 721838 - 762989 |
139 - 130 | 763007 - 808249 |
129 - 120 | 808278 - 858455 |
119 - 110 | 858461 - 914407 |
109 - 100 | 914411 - 975925 |
99 - 90 | 975975 - 1044070 |
89 - 80 | 1044096 - 1116998 |
79 - 70 | 1117041 - 1193433 |
69 - 60 | 1193511 - 1269683 |
59 - 50 | 1269709 - 1342259 |
49 - 40 | 1342317 - 1405936 |
39 - 30 | 1406059 - 1457867 |
29 - 20 | 1457902 - 1495726 |
19 - 10 | 1495842 - 1520740 |
9 - 0 | 1520799 - 1534697 |
Marks | Rank |
720 | 1 |
718-708 | 2 - 31 |
707-698 | 39 -131 |
697 - 688 | 134-382 |
687-678 | 399 - 844 |
677 - 668 | 880 - 1625 |
667-658 | 1710 - 2912 |
657-648 | 3065 - 4869 |
647-638 | 5073 - 7357 |
637-628 | 7643 - 10545 |
627-618 | 10877 - 14353 |
617- 608 | 14766 - 18807 |
607 -598 | 19277 - 24026 |
597 - 588 | 24534 - 29770 |
587 -578 | 30391 - 36057 |
577 -568 | 36751 - 42759 |
567 -558 | 43422 - 50021 |
557 - 548 | 50784 - 57778 |
547 - 538 | 58599 - 65727 |
537 - 528 | 66548 - 74111 |
527 - 518 | 74929 - 82675 |
517 - 508 | 83522 - 91757 |
507 - 498 | 92665 - 101137 |
497 - 488 | 102054 - 110801 |
487 - 478 | 111799 - 120832 |
477 - 468 | 121819 - 131202 |
467 - 458 | 132265 - 142031 |
457 - 448 | 143226 - 153188 |
447 - 438 | 154385 - 164903 |
437 - 428 | 166026 - 176642 |
427 - 418 | 177822 - 188860 |
417 - 408 | 190149 - 201809 |
407 - 398 | 203121 - 215020 |
397 - 388 | 216357 - 228512 |
387 - 378 | 229880 - 242439 |
377 - 368 | 243827 - 256796 |
367 - 358 | 258281 - 271762 |
357 - 348 | 273287 - 286921 |
347 - 338 | 288498 - 302718 |
338 - 328 | 302718 - 319518 |
327 - 318 | 321100 - 336798 |
317 - 308 | 338543 - 355088 |
307 - 298 | 356873 - 373742 |
297 - 288 | 375528 - 393108 |
287 - 278 | 394985 - 413106 |
277 - 268 | 415081 - 433736 |
267 - 258 | 435789 - 455346 |
257 - 248 | 457558 - 478134 |
247 - 238 | 480330 - 501800 |
237 - 228 | 504101 - 526247 |
227 - 218 | 528700 - 552229 |
217 - 208 | 554724 - 578992 |
207 - 198 | 581610 - 607516 |
197 - 188 | 610299 - 637029 |
187 - 178 | 639955 - 668399 |
177 - 168 | 671419 - 701456 |
167 - 158 | 704728 - 736962 |
157 - 148 | 740376 - 774912 |
147 - 138 | 778519 - 815368 |
137 - 128 | 819314 - 859537 |
127 - 118 | 863637 - 908137 |
117 - 108 | 912581 - 960876 |
107 - 98 | 965743 - 1018522 |
97 - 88 | 1023837 - 1081257 |
87 - 78 | 1086789 - 1148396 |
77 - 68 | 1154157 - 1218142 |
67 - 58 | 1224015 - 1288057 |
57 - 48 | 1293945 - 1355785 |
47 - 38 | 1361058 - 1416461 |
37 - 28 | 1420925 - 1467024 |
27 - 18 | 1470806 - 1505718 |
17 - 8 | 1508256 - 1531812 |
7 - 0 | 1533343 - 1545759 |
Marks range | Rank range |
701 | 1 |
690-681 | 20-88 |
680-671 | 99-214 |
670-661 | 223-476 |
660-651 | 568-930 |
650-640 | 946-1714 |
639-631 | 1809-2570 |
630-621 | 2788-3956 |
620-611 | 4074-5630 |
610-601 | 5692-7580 |
600-591 | 7784-10036 |
590-581 | 10248-12898 |
580-571 | 13064-16008 |
570-561 | 16173-19478 |
560-551 | 19967-23501 |
550-541 | 23695-27650 |
540-531 | 27994-32317 |
530-521 | 32796-37464 |
520-511 | 37780-38736 |
518-508 | 38822-44553 |
507-497 | 45023-51086 |
496-486 | 51498-58114 |
485-475 | 58214-65316 |
474-464 | 65801-73197 |
463-453 | 73337-81607 |
452-442 | 82216-89872 |
441-431 | 90825-99323 |
430-420 | 99914-109429 |
419-409 | 109937-120258 |
408-398 | 121183-130881 |
397-387 | 131606-142409 |
386-376 | 143021-154839 |
375-365 | 155526-166885 |
364-354 | 168240-180534 |
353-343 | 181904-194475 |
342-330 | 196229-212737 |
329-319 | 213657-228146 |
318-308 | 229715-244438 |
307-297 | 246358-262168 |
296-286 | 264920-281164 |
285-275 | 282209-301278 |
274-264 | 301630-321670 |
263-253 | 323239-342377 |
252-242 | 345392-365681 |
241-231 | 367875-389513 |
230-220 | 390772-415591 |
219-209 | 417086-443048 |
208-198 | 444437-473780 |
197-187 | 474172-504471 |
186-176 | 505827-537501 |
175-165 | 541048-576326 |
164-154 | 578413-615798 |
144-134 | 619072-700772 |
133-123 | 704652-753821 |
122-112 | 760098-815858 |
111-101 | 816706-879718 |
100-90 | 881132-950796 |
83-73 | 1000399-1071321 |
70-59 | 1094305-1168705 |
58-50 | 1174669-1228755 |
34-18 | 1318393-1374142 |
NEET 2025 marks vs percentile is a criteria to categorise the All India rank in NEET UG exam against the percentile score for that particular rank. Through NEET marks vs percentile data, candidates can get an idea about what range of marks they should be targeting to achieve a good rank.
The NEET percentile score represents the percentage of candidates who scored less than the candidate in the exam. The percentile score is calculated based on the relative performance of all the candidates who appeared for the exam.
In the below table, we are providing the previous years' toppers marks and rank for NEET exam.
S. No. | Marks | NEET Rank |
1 | 720 | 1 |
2 | 720 | 1 |
3 | 720 | 1 |
4 | 720 | 1 |
5 | 720 | 1 |
6 | 720 | 1 |
7 | 720 | 1 |
8 | 720 | 1 |
9 | 720 | 1 |
10 | 720 | 1 |
11 | 720 | 1 |
12 | 720 | 1 |
13 | 720 | 1 |
14 | 720 | 1 |
15 | 720 | 1 |
16 | 720 | 1 |
17 | 720 | 1 |
Marks scored in 2022 | NEET All India Rank |
715 | 1 |
715 | 2 |
715 | 3 |
715 | 4 |
711 | 5 |
710 | 6 |
710 | 7 |
710 | 8 |
710 | 9 |
710 | 10 |
710 | 11 |
710 | 12 |
710 | 13 |
710 | 14 |
710 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 17 |
715 | 17 |
715 | 19 |
715 | 19 |
Marks scored in 2021 | NEET All India Rank |
720 | 1 |
720 | 1 |
720 | 1 |
716 | 4 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 17 |
715 | 17 |
715 | 19 |
715 | 19 |
To get admission into the courses offered by the national-level medical entrance examination, the candidates need to qualify by securing the NEET cutoff. The NEET 2025 cut off will be released by the NTA along with the result declaration. Meanwhile, candidates can check the previous year cut off of NEET UG exam in the below table.
Category | Cut-Off Percentile | NEET 2024 cutoff | NEET 2023 cutoff | NEET Cut-Off 2022 | NEET Cut-Off 2021 | NEET 2020 Cut-Off |
General | 50th | 720-162 | 720-137 | 715-117 | 720-138 | 720-147 |
General-PH | 45th | 161-144 | 136-121 | 116-105 | 137-122 | 146-129 |
SC | 40th | 161-127 | 136-107 | 116-93 | 137-108 | 146-113 |
ST | 40th | 161-127 | 136-107 | 116-93 | 137-108 | 146-113 |
OBC | 40th | 161-127 | 136-107 | 116-93 | 137-108 | 146-113 |
The analysis of NEET marks vs ranks provides an idea of what ranks a student can get at a particular score range. This idea of NEET ranks helps the aspirants to target a specific mark range to increase their chances of getting admission in top medical colleges of India.
NEET aspirants must be aware of the procedure of calculating their scores which is ultimately going to decide their NEET 2025 rank. There are two methods by which candidates can calculate their expected rank in NEET result 2025 which are as follows:
NEET Rank Predictor Tool
NEET Rank vs Marks data is provided in the table above
Medical aspirants can use NEET 2025 Rank Predictor as it is a free tool. It can be used by following the steps mentioned below
A link for the Rank predictor of NEET 2025 has been provided above.
Candidates will have to first register themselves
Next, medical aspirants will have to enter their expected NEET 2025 score out of 720
Then, all required details have to be entered
By following the steps mentioned above medical aspirants will be able to predict their NEET rank in 2025.
In NEET 2024, 17 students scored 720/720 in the UG medical exam.
If you score around 400 in NEET exam. As per the previous year's cutoff score trends. You will rank around 121183-130881.
For admission to any government college, candidates need to secure at least 500 or 550+ NEET scores.
The cutoff percentile for NEET is 40th percentile for SC/ST/OBC, 45th percentile for Unreserved- PH and 50th percentile for Unreserved.
Aspirants can make use of NEET Rank vs Marks data provided above or use the Rank Predictor Tool to check their expected rank in the examination.
All candidates who will qualify NEET 2025 will be eligible for 15% AIQ seats.
Last rank is referred to the rank of candidate at whom the admission process closed in a particular round.
For NEET 2025 counseling, the OBC-NCL certificate should generally be valid if issued within one year before the counseling date.
Since your certificate is issued on 9 February 2025, it will be valid for NEET 2025 counseling, as counseling happens later in the year (July-September).
However, always double-check the official NEET counseling notification for the exact certificate issuance date requirements to avoid any issues.
hope this helps you .
As a NEET aspirant, you can consider writing additional exams for various medical and allied health science courses.
Here are some options:
1. AIIMS B.Sc. Nursing & Paramedical Entrance Exam
For B.Sc. Nursing, Radiography and other paramedical courses at AIIMS institutions.
For B.Sc. Nursing and Allied Health Science courses at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research.
3. CUET (Common University Entrance Test)
For B.Sc. courses in Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and other life sciences in central universities.
4. ICAR AIEEA UG (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
For B.Sc. Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries Science and Food Technology.
5. AFMC Pune Admission (via NEET)
While NEET is required, AFMC conducts its own interview and screening process for MBBS aspirants.
For postgraduate courses later in your career but knowing about it early helps if you are planning for MD/MS after MBBS.
hope this helps you .
In NEET, Previous Year Questions (PYQs) play a significant role as the exam often includes questions that are either directly repeated or based on similar concepts. While there's no fixed number of questions taken directly from PYQs .
It's generally observed that around 10-15% of the questions can be directly repeated or very similar to previous years questions.
Conceptual repetition is common, where questions are framed differently but based on the same topics or concepts from past papers.
The NEET 2024 cutoff for the Defence quota in Maharashtra hasn't been officially released yet. It will be available after the DMER Maharashtra completes the counselling process.
For updates, check the DMER website or refer to previous years cutoffs for reference.
hope this helps you .
Yes, some NEET candidates have re-registered due to incomplete applications or payment issues.
What to Do If This Happens:
1. Retry Payment: Wait 24 hours and try again.
2. Contact NTA: Reach out for support if issues persist.
3. Re-Register: If necessary, apply again with a different email/phone.
4. Refunds: Extra payments are usually refunded within 7 days.
5. Correction Window: Use this to fix errors instead of re-registering.
Avoid multiple submissions to prevent disqualification.
Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.
A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.
A veterinary doctor is a professional, working in animal healthcare. He or she conducts medical examinations, diagnoses, and treats various illnesses of animals. Animals have distinct internal organs and functions, requiring specialised attention from a veterinary doctor. A doctor who treats humans cannot offer the same level of care to animals due to these variations. Therefore, a veterinary doctor plays a critical role in animal welfare.
Veterinary professionals prevent illness by providing vaccines and offering advice on animal nutrition and overall health. Their knowledge extends beyond household animals and includes livestock, wildlife, and exotic animals. Individuals who love animals and want to treat their illnesses, injuries, and diseases must opt for a career as a veterinary doctor.
Speech therapists are essential medical professionals addressing speech disorders. Whether it's delayed speech in children or difficulties in pronunciation, these experts play a crucial role. This article explores how to become a speech therapist in India, covering courses, colleges, and the responsibilities of this impactful profession.
Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth.
The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.
An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.
Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.
A Narcotics Officer is an officer employed by the state to investigate the usage of drugs and their trafficking. A narcotics officer conducts undercover operations, investigates suspected drug dealers, executes raids and other appropriate actions for arresting these traffickers to reduce the circulation of drugs in the country.
A narcotics officer works in collaboration with other government agencies to stop drug trafficking at borders. He or she engages with various NGOs and public organisations to teach people about the dangerous effects of drug usage. A narcotics officer plays an important role in reducing the illegal activities of drug dealers and the circulation of drugs in the nation.
If we talk about a career as a research associate, it all comes down to one thing - curiosity towards nature and the passion to find answers. A career as a research associate is full of thrill and excitement. However, a research associate also faces a lot of challenges and failures while working on a project. A job of a research associate includes a spectrum of Science as a subject in detail.
A career as a Drug Inspector is regarded as one of the most diverse in the field of healthcare and pharmacy. Candidates must undergo a screening process administered by the UPSC and or SPSCs in order to become drug inspectors. Those who manage it through the selection process will have a rewarding career with a high salary.
A Biotechnologist is a professional who possesses strong knowledge and techniques that are utilised in creating and developing innovative products that improve the quality of human life standards. A biochemist uses biological organisms to create and improve goods and procedures for agriculture, medicine, and sustainability. He or she researches the genetic, chemical, and physical characteristics of cells, tissues, and organisms to determine how they can be used industrially.
A career as R&D Personnel requires researching, planning, and implementing new programs and protocols into their organization and overseeing new products’ development. He or she uses his or her creative abilities to improve the existing products as per the requirements of the target market.
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