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नीट के बिना बीएचएमएस एडमिशन (BHMS Admission Without NEET in hindi) - पात्रता, शुल्क, प्रवेश प्रक्रिया

नीट के बिना बीएचएमएस एडमिशन (BHMS Admission Without NEET in hindi) - पात्रता, शुल्क, प्रवेश प्रक्रिया

Edited By Mithilesh Kumar | Updated on Jun 21, 2024 04:30 PM IST | #NEET
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बैचलर ऑफ होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन एंड सर्जरी या बीएचएमएस एक स्नातक डिग्री है। ये प्रोग्राम 5.5 वर्ष का है जिसमें एक वर्ष की अनिवार्य इंटर्नशिप शामिल है। बीएचएमएस प्रवेश मुख्य रूप से राष्ट्रीय पात्रता-सह-प्रवेश परीक्षा (NEET) में प्राप्त अंकों के आधार पर होता है।

जो उम्मीदवार भारत में बीएचएमएस पाठ्यक्रम करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें स्नातक चिकित्सा पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश पाने के लिए नीट परीक्षा में उपस्थित होना होगा। नीट परीक्षा पूरे भारत में 645 मेडिकल, 318 डेंटल, 914 आयुष और 47 बीवीएससी और एएच कॉलेजों में प्रवेश के लिए आयोजित की जाती है। भारत में ऐसे कई कॉलेज हैं जो नीट स्कोर के बिना बीएचएमएस प्रवेश प्रदान करते हैं। नीट के बिना बी.एच.एम. एस प्रवेश के पात्र बनने के लिए उम्मीदवारों को भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान और जीव विज्ञान के साथ न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण प्रतिशत 50% (सामान्य श्रेणी) और 40% (आरक्षित श्रेणी) के साथ 10+2 उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए। पात्रता मानदंड, प्रवेश प्रक्रिया, भारत के शीर्ष बीएचएमएस कॉलेजों और अन्य चीजों के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए इस लेख को पढ़ें।

नीट के बिना बीएचएमएस एडमिशन (BHMS Admission Without NEET in hindi) - पात्रता, शुल्क, प्रवेश प्रक्रिया
नीट के बिना बीएचएमएस एडमिशन (BHMS Admission Without NEET in hindi) - पात्रता, शुल्क, प्रवेश प्रक्रिया

बीएचएमएस हाइलाइट्स (BHMS Highlights in hindi)



कोर्स का नाम

बैचलर ऑफ होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन एंड सर्जरी


बी.एच.एम. एस

डिग्री प्रकार

अंडर ग्रेजुएट


5.5 वर्ष



औसत वेतन

2 लाख रु. से 10 लाख रु. प्रति वर्ष

कैरियर के विकल्प

होम्योपैथिक डॉक्टर, सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ, फार्मासिस्ट, शिक्षक या व्याख्याता

नीट पात्रता मानदंड के बिना बीएचएमएस प्रवेश (BHMS admission without NEET eligibility criteria in hindi)

नीट के बिना बीएचएमएस पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश पाने के लिए उम्मीदवारों के पास निम्नलिखित पात्रता मानदंड होने चाहिए।

  • उम्मीदवारों को किसी मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड से भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान और जीव विज्ञान में 10+2 उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए।

  • उम्मीदवारों को सामान्य वर्ग के लिए पीसीबी स्ट्रीम में न्यूनतम 50% अंक और आरक्षित वर्ग के मामले में 40% अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे।

  • प्रवेश के समय अभ्यर्थियों की आयु 17 वर्ष से कम नहीं होनी चाहिए।

Apply to Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Allied & Life Science 2024

Begin a career in Medical and Allied Sciences. Admissions Open for

नीट प्रवेश प्रक्रिया के बिना बीएचएमएस पाठ्यक्रम (BHMS course without NEET admission process in hindi)

बीएचएमएस प्रवेश में कई चरण शामिल हैं और प्रवेश प्रक्रिया हर कॉलेज में अलग-अलग होती है। उम्मीदवारों को नीचे उल्लिखित बीएचएमएस प्रवेश प्रक्रिया का पालन करना होगा।

पंजीकरण : पात्र उम्मीदवारों को उक्त कॉलेजों की आधिकारिक वेबसाइटों पर जाना होगा। सभी प्रासंगिक जानकारी प्रदान करके पंजीकरण करें और बीएचएमएस पाठ्यक्रम के लिए आवेदन पत्र भरें।

आवेदन पत्र भरना : उम्मीदवारों को सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेज अपलोड करने होंगे और व्यक्तिगत, शैक्षिक, संपर्क और अन्य विवरण भरने होंगे। सभी विवरणों को ध्यान से जांचें और अंतिम तिथि से पहले आवेदन पत्र जमा करें।

आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान : उम्मीदवार उपलब्ध भुगतान विधियों के माध्यम से अपनी श्रेणी के अनुसार आवश्यक आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान कर सकते हैं। एक बार भुगतान हो जाने के बाद, भविष्य के संदर्भ के लिए आवेदन पत्र डाउनलोड करें और प्रिंट करें।

यह भी पढ़ें : नीट के बिना बीयूएमएस प्रवेश

नीट के बिना बीएचएमएस प्रवेश की पेशकश करने वाले कॉलेजों की सूची (List of colleges offering BHMS admission without NEET in hindi)

नीचे, हमने उन कॉलेजों की सूची प्रदान की है जो नीट के बिना बीएचएमएस प्रवेश प्रदान करते हैं। नीचे दिए गए कॉलेजों की जांच करें।

यह भी पढ़ें:

NEET College Predictor

Know possible Govt/Private MBBS/BDS Colleges based on your NEET rank

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Allied & Life Science 2024

Admissions Open for multiple allied and health sciences programs across 5 campuses | Ranked #7 in India by NIRF, NAAC A++ Accredited

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. बीएचएमएस का पूर्ण रूप क्या है?

बीएचएमएस का फुल फॉर्म होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन और सर्जरी में स्नातक (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) है।

2. बीएचएमएस की पात्रता मानदंड क्या है?

जो उम्मीदवार बीएचएमएस में प्रवेश लेना चाहते हैं, उन्हें किसी मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड से भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान, जीवविज्ञान मुख्य विषयों के साथ 10+2 उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए।

3. बीएचएमएस डिग्री की कुल अवधि कितनी है?

बीएचएमएस कोर्स 5.5 साल का है जिसमें एक साल की अनिवार्य इंटर्नशिप भी शामिल है।


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Professional Certificate in Introduction to Theoretical Perspectives in Health and Illness
Via Metropolitan School of Business and Management, London
Professional Certificate in Identifying Barriers to Research in Health Practice
Via Metropolitan School of Business and Management, London
Food laws and Standards
Via Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
Professional Certificate in Introduction to Healthcare Delivery Models
Via Metropolitan School of Business and Management, London
Introduction to Psychology
Via San Jose State University, San Jose
Professional Certificate in Introduction to UK Health Care Service Framework
Via Metropolitan School of Business and Management, London
 352 courses
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Questions related to NEET

Have a question related to NEET ?

Hello there,

As an FMG (Foreign Medical Graduate) who studied up to 12th grade in Andhra Pradesh, you would typically be considered a local candidate for the NEET PG Andhra Pradesh Management Quota.

Here's why:

  1. Local Status Criteria: The local status is usually determined based on where you completed your education before entering higher studies, specifically up to 12th grade. Since you completed your schooling in Andhra Pradesh, you should qualify as a local candidate.

  2. Verification: It's advisable to verify your local status with the concerned authorities during the application process to ensure you meet all specific requirements set by the Andhra Pradesh Medical Council.

This local status can be advantageous for securing a seat under the management quota in Andhra Pradesh.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Hello there,

Yes, you are eligible to study MBBS in Bangladesh with your qualifications.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. BOSSE Open Board Recognition: As long as the Board of Open Schooling and Skill Education (BOSSE) is recognized by the relevant education authorities in India and Bangladesh, your 12th-grade qualification with 80% in PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) should be accepted.

  2. NEET Qualification: Since you qualified NEET in 2023, you meet the eligibility criteria required by Bangladesh medical colleges for Indian students.

  3. Additional Requirements: You may need to provide an equivalence certificate from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and meet any other specific requirements set by the medical colleges in Bangladesh.

  4. Application Process: Ensure you follow the correct application procedure, including obtaining the necessary student visa and meeting the admission deadlines.

With your qualifications, you should be eligible to pursue an MBBS degree in Bangladesh.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Hello there,

With a NEET PG 2024 rank of 24,418, you have a fair chance of getting into a postgraduate course, but the availability of specific courses will depend on various factors like the counseling rounds, your category, and the specific state quotas.

Here's a general idea:

a) Broad Specialties: You might have a chance to secure seats in less competitive specialties like:

  • Anesthesia
  • Pathology
  • Community Medicine
  • Microbiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Radiotherapy (in some colleges)

    b) State Quotas: Check the state quota counseling where you might get better options based on your domicile.

    c) DNB Courses: Consider applying for DNB programs, where you might have a chance to get into clinical branches.

Participate in all counseling rounds, including the mop-up round, to maximize your chances of securing a preferred course.

I would recommend you to use NEET PG college predictor tool by Careers360 to get the list of possible colleges you can get with your rank.

Here is the link to the tool:

Click on the above link, fill the required details and you will get the list of possible colleges at your rank.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Hello there,

With a rank of 33,000 in NEET PG 2024 and being in the General category, getting an MD in Pediatrics from a government college in Tamil Nadu may be challenging due to the high demand for this specialty. However, you may have a chance to secure a DNB in Pediatrics, especially in hospitals located in non-metro areas or less competitive regions.

What You Can Do:

  • State Quota: Participate in Tamil Nadu state counseling, where you might have slightly better chances.

  • DNB Options: Focus on DNB Pediatrics, as these programs are available in various hospitals across the state.

  • Mop-Up Rounds: Stay involved in all counseling rounds, including mop-up rounds, as seats sometimes become available later.

Your chances are better in DNB programs, so keep an eye on those opportunities.

I would recommend you to use NEET PG college predictor tool by Careers360 to get the list of possible colleges you can get with your rank.

Here is the link to the tool:

Click on the above link, fill the required details and you will get the list of possible colleges at your rank.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.


The list of colleges for round 2 counselling of NEET 2024 will be available on the official website of the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC). Here are the steps to access it:

· Visit the MCC website

· Click on the link for NEET UG 2024 Counselling

· Look for the Seat Matrix/College List link

· Download the list of colleges for round 2 counselling

Important Dates for Round 2 Counselling:

· Registration: September 5-10, 2024

· Choice Filling: September 6-10, 2024

· Choice Locking: September 10, 2024

· Seat Allotment Result: September 13, 2024

· Institute Reporting: September 14-20, 2024

Hope this helps,

Thank you

View All

Column I ( Salivary gland)


Column II ( Their location)



Below tongue

Sub-maxillary / sub-mandibular


Lower jaw




Option: 1

a(i), b(ii) , c(iii)


Option: 2

a(ii), b(i), c(iii)


Option: 3

a(i), b(iii), c(ii)

Option: 4

a(iii), b(ii), c(i)

Ethyl \; ester \xrightarrow[(excess)]{CH_{3}MgBr} P

the product 'P' will be ,

Option: 1

Option: 2

Option: 3

\left ( C_{2}H_{5} \right )_{3} - C- OH

Option: 4




 Valve name                            



    I   Aortic valve     A

Prevents blood from going backward from the pulmonary artery to the right ventricle.

    II   Mitral valve     B

 Prevent blood from flowing backward from the right ventricle to the right atrium.

    III   Pulmonic valve     C

 Prevents backward flow from the aorta into the left ventricle.

    IV   Tricuspid valve     D

 Prevent backward flow from the left ventricle to the left atrium.


Option: 1

I – A , II – B, III – C, IV – D

Option: 2

 I – B , II – C , III – A , IV – D

Option: 3

 I – C , II – D , III – A , IV – B

Option: 4

 I – D , II – A , III – B , IV – C 



Column A Column B

a) Organisation of cellular contents and further cell growth.  


b) Leads to formation of two daughter cells.


c) Cell grows physically and increase volume proteins,organells.


d)  synthesis and replication of DNA.

Match the correct option as per the process shown in the diagram. 




Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3



Option: 4


0.014 Kg of N2 gas at 27 0C is kept in a closed vessel. How much heat is required to double the rms speed of the N2 molecules?

Option: 1

3000 cal

Option: 2

2250 cal

Option: 3

2500 cal

Option: 4

3500 cal

0.16 g of dibasic acid required 25 ml of decinormal NaOH solution for complete neutralisation. The modecular weight of the acid will be

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


0.5 F of electricity is passed through 500 mL of copper sulphate solution. The amount of copper (in g) which can be deposited will be:

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


0.5 g of an organic substance was kjeldahlised and the ammonia released was neutralised by 100 ml 0.1 M HCl. Percentage of nitrogen in the compound is

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


0xone is

Option: 1


Option: 2

\mathrm{Na}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{2}

Option: 3

\mathrm{Li}_{2} \mathrm{O}

Option: 4


(1) A substance  known as "Smack"

(2) Diacetylmorphine

(3) Possessing a white color

(4) Devoid of any odor

(5) Crystal compound with a bitter taste

(6) Obtained by extracting from the latex of the poppy plant

The above statements/information are correct for:

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.

6 Jobs Available

A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

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Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 

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The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

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An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

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Drug Inspector

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A Biotechnologist is a professional who possesses strong knowledge and techniques that are utilised in creating and developing innovative products that improve the quality of human life standards. A biochemist uses biological organisms to create and improve goods and procedures for agriculture, medicine, and sustainability. He or she researches the genetic, chemical, and physical characteristics of cells, tissues, and organisms to determine how they can be used industrially.

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R&D Personnel

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