NEET Biology Syllabus 2025 PDF - Botany, Zoology Important Topics

NEET Biology Syllabus 2025 PDF - Botany, Zoology Important Topics

Edited By Deep Pathak | Updated on Feb 10, 2025 03:58 PM IST | #NEET
Ongoing Event
NEET  Application Date : 07 Feb' 2025 - 07 Mar' 2025

The NMC has released updated NEET Biology syllabus at Biology is a major and high-scoring section of the NEET examination. Biology syllabus for NEET 2025 covers topics from cell biology to ecology making up half of the total questions (50% weightage). The NEET UG 2025 exam emphasises Biology Syllabus topics from classes 11th and 12th botany and zoology. A link to download NEET Biology syllabus 2025 is provided below.
Download NEET Biology syllabus 2025 PDF

This Story also Contains
  1. NEET 2025 Biology syllabus latest update
  2. Syllabus for NEET 2025 biology
  3. Botany syllabus for NEET
  4. NEET Zoology syllabus
  5. Most important chapters of biology for NEET
  6. NEET Biology syllabus 2025- Important topics
  7. NEET Biology syllabus 2025 - Best books
  8. NEET 2025 biology syllabus - Preparation tips
  9. List of added and deleted topic in NEET syllabus Biology?
  10. How many chapters are there in NEET syllabus Biology?
  11. Has NEET biology syllabus Changed for 2025?
NEET Biology Syllabus 2025 PDF - Botany, Zoology Important Topics
NEET Biology Syllabus 2025 PDF - Botany, Zoology Important Topics

Students should be familiar with the topics and sub-topics that fall under the Biology NEET syllabus 2025. Understanding the chapter-wise weightage of the NEET 2025 biology syllabus can help prioritise the important chapters first. The biology section comprises 90 questions covering both Botany and Zoology. It’s important to note that the NEET 2025 biology syllabus is confined to NCERT books, so students are advised to thoroughly study them. As per the latest NEET Syllabus 2025, NTA has incorporated the NEET Biology syllabus 2025. The updated syllabus for NEET Biology 2025 can be checked below.

The Biology syllabus of NEET consists of two important sections, Botany and Zoology. Each section contains 45 questions which results in 360 marks in NEET 2025. Candidates with a better concept clarity of the Biology syllabus can score well in the NEET exam. NEET Biology syllabus 2025 carries an almost equal weightage of questions from Classes 11 and 12. So, aspirants are required to go through the full syllabus of NEET Biology for a better result.

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The NEET 2025 bio syllabus consists of lots of biological scientific terms and facts which are to be remembered, so aspirants have to prepare according to that. Read the article on the NEET biology syllabus 2025 to know the class-wise syllabus, chapter-wise biology weightage, important topics, best books, preparation tips, and all other relevant information.

Most Scoring concepts for NEET
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
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NEET 2025 Biology syllabus latest update

In October, NTA made changes to the biology NEET syllabus 2025. NEET emphasises biology, making up half of the total questions (50% weightage). So, Having a strong firm on biology concepts will help students to score high. Understanding the biology syllabus in detail and the weightage of each chapter helps students prioritise chapters based on their weightage. The strategy to perform well in this paper would be a good acquaintance with the biology concepts. It is to be understood and not memorised with good integration of knowledge in the areas of genetics, physiology, and ecology for wholesome understanding.

Syllabus for NEET 2025 biology

Aspirants are advised to go through the complete NEET syllabus. The NEET biology syllabus can be checked from the below-mentioned table.

NEET biology syllabus 2025 for Class 11

Unit number

Unit name



Diversity in Living World

  • What is living?; Biodiversity; Need for classification;: Taxonomy & Systematics; Concept of species and taxonomic hierarchy; Binomial nomenclature

  • Five kingdom classification; salient features and classification of Monera: Protista and Fungi into major groups: Lichens; Viruses and Viroids.

  • Salient features and classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms (three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category)

  • Salient features and classification of animals-nonchordate up to phyla level and chordate up to class level (three to five salient features and at least two examples)


Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

  • Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants: Root, stem, leaf, inflorescence- cymose and racemose, flower, fruit and seed (To be dealt along with the relevant practical of the Practical Syllabus) Family (malvaceae, Cruciferae, leguminoceae, compositae, graminae).

  • Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (Frog). (Brief account only)


Cell Structure and Function

  • Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life; Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope, cell membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles- structure and function; Endomembrane system-endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, micro bodies; Cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultra structure and function); Nucleus-nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus.

  • Chemical constituents of living cells: Biomolecules-structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids; Enzymes-types, properties, enzyme action, classification and nomenclature of enzymes

  • B Cell division: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their significance.


Plant Physiology

  • Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis as a means of Autotrophic nutrition; Site of photosynthesis take place; pigments involved in Photosynthesis (Elementary idea); Photochemical and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis; Cyclic and non cyclic and photophosphorylation; Chemiosmotic hypothesis; Photorespiration C3 and C4 pathways; Factors affecting photosynthesis.

  • Respiration: Exchange gases; Cellular respiration-glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron transport system (aerobic); Energy relations- Number of ATP molecules generated; Amphibolic pathways; Respiratory quotient.

  • Plant growth and development: Seed germination; Phases of Plant growth and plant growth rate; Conditions of growth; Differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation; Sequence of developmental process in a plant cell; Growth regulators- auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, ABA;


Human Physiology

  • Breathing and Respiration: Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans; Mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans-Exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration Respiratory volumes: Disorders related to respiration-Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational respiratory disorders.

  • Body fluids and circulation: Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; Composition of lymph and its function: Human circulatory system-Structure of human heart and blood vessels; Cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG, Double circulation: Regulation of cardiac activity; Disorders of circulatory system-Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Angina pectoris, Heart failure.

  • Excretory products and their elimination: Modes of excretion- Ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; Human excretory system-structure and function; Urine formation, Osmoregulation; Regulation of kidney function-Renin-angiotensin, Atrial Natriuretic Factor, ADH and Diabetes insipidus; Role of other organs in excretion; Disorders; Uraemia, Renal failure, Renal calculi, Nephritis; Dialysis and artificial kidney.

  • Locomotion and Movement: Types of movement- ciliary, flagellar, muscular: Skeletal muscle- contractile proteins and muscle contraction: Skeletal system and its functions (To be dealt with the relevant practical of Practical syllabus); Joints; Disorders of muscular and skeletal system-Myasthenia gravis. Tetany, Muscular dystrophy, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout.

  • Neural control and coordination: Neuron and nerves: Nervous system in humans central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system: Generation and conduction of nerve impulse;

  • Chemical coordination and regulation: Endocrine glands and hormones; Human endocrine system-Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid. Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone action (Elementary Idea), Role of hormones. as messengers and regulators, Hypo-and hyperactivity and related disorders (Common disorders e.g. Dwarfism, Acromegaly, Cretinism, goitre, exophthalmic goitre, diabetes. Addison's disease).

(Imp: Diseases and disorders mentioned above to be dealt in brief)

NEET 2025 Biology syllabus for class 12

Unit number

Unit name




  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Flower structure: Development of male and female gametophytes: Pollination-types, agencies and examples; Outbreeding devices: Pollen-Pistil interaction: Double fertilization; Post fertilization events- Development of endosperm and embryo, Development of seed and formation of fruit, Special modes- apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Significance of seed and fruit formation.

  • Human Reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems: Microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary: Gametogenesis-spermatogenesis & oogenesis; Menstrual cycle; Fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation, implantation: Pregnancy and placenta formation (Elementary idea); Parturition (Elementary idea); Lactation (Elementary idea).

  • Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); Birth control-Need and Methods. Contraception and Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP); Amniocentesis: Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies - IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (Elementary idea for general awareness).


Genetics and Evolution

  • Heredity and variation: Mendelian Inheritance; Deviations from Mendelism- Incomplete dominance, Codominance, Multiple alleles and Inheritance of blood groups, Pleiotropy: Elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; Chromosome theory of inheritance; Chromosomes and genes; Sex determination-In humans, birds, honey bee; Linkage and crossing over; Sex linked inheritance-Haemophilia, Colour blindness; Mendelian disorders in humans-Thalassemia; Chromosomal disorders in humans; Down's syndrome, Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes.

  • Molecular basis of Inheritance: Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic material; Structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging: DNA replication: Central dogma; Transcription, genetic code, translation: Gene expression and regulation- Lac Operon: Genome and human genome project: DNA fingerprinting, protein biosynthesis.

  • Evolution: Origin of life; Biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution from Paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular evidence): Darwin's contribution, Modern Synthetic theory of Evolution: Mechanism of evolution- Variation (Mutation and Recombination) and Natural Selection with examples, types of natural selection; Gene flow and genetic drift: Hardy-Weinberg's principle; Adaptive Radiation; Human evolution.


Biology and Human Welfare

  • Health and Disease; Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (Malaria, Filariasis, Ascariasis. Typhoid, Pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ringworm, dengue, chikungunya); Basic concepts of immunology-vaccines; Cancer, HIV and AIDS; Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse,Tobacco abuse

  • Microbes in human welfare: In household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation and as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.


Biotechnology and its Applications

  • Principles and process of Biotechnology Genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA technology).

  • Application of Biotechnology in health and agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine production, Genes therapy; Genetically modified :organisms-Bt crops: Transgenic Animals Biosafety issues-Biopiracy; and patents


Ecology and Environment

  • Organisms and environment

  • Population interactions-mutualism, competition..predation,

  • Parasitism Population attributes-growth. birth rate and death rate, age distribution.

  • Ecosystem: Pattems, components; productivity and decomposition

  • Energy flow: Pyramids of numbers, biomass. energy

  • Biodiversity and its conservation: concept of Biodiversity; patterns of Biodiversity

  • Importance of Biodiversity

  • Loss of Biodiversity Biodiversity conservation

  • Hotspots

  • Endangered Organisms extinction

  • Red Data Book

  • Biosphere reserves

  • National parks and sanctuaries

  • Sacred Groves

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Botany syllabus for NEET

The NEET Botany syllabus covers a range of topics related to the study of plants. The syllabus is divided into four main sections: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Ecology. Important topics on Botany NEET UG 2025 syllabus are listed below:

  • The Living World
  • Biological Classification
  • Plant Kingdom
  • Morphology of Flowering Plants
  • Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  • Cell - The Unit of Life
  • Biomolecules
  • Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  • Transport in Plants
  • Mineral Nutrition
  • Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  • Respiration in Plants
  • Plant Growth and Development
  • Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
  • Principles of Inheritance & Variation
  • Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  • Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
  • Biotechnology Principles and Processes
  • Biotechnology and its Application
  • Organisms and Populations
  • Ecosystem
  • Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Environmental Issues

NEET Zoology syllabus

NEET Zoology Syllabus is designed to test the depth of knowledge in zoology of the students appearing for the exam. It covers topics from basic zoology to advanced topics in zoology. Major topics on NEET Zoology syllabus 2025 are mentioned below:

  • Animal Kingdom
  • Structural Organisation in Animals
  • Digestion and Absorption
  • Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  • Body Fluids and Circulation
  • Excretory Products and their Elimination
  • Locomotion and Movement
  • Neural Control and Coordination
  • Chemical Coordination and Integration
  • Reproduction in Organisms
  • Human Reproduction
  • Reproductive Health
  • Evolution
  • Human Health and Disease
  • Microbes in Human Welfare

Most important chapters of biology for NEET

Candidates should know the chapter-wise weightage of biology in NEET before starting the preparation for NEET. In order to get an idea about which NEET 2025 biology chapters acquire more marks, candidates can refer to the table below.

NEET Biology syllabus - Chapter-wise weightage


Weightage out of 100

Diversity in Living World


Cell Structure and Function


Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants


Plant Physiology


Human Physiology




Genetics and Evolution


Biotechnology and Its Applications


Biology and Human Welfare


Ecology and environment


NEET Biology syllabus 2025- Important topics

Candidates can refer to the important topics of biology for cracking the NEET exam 2025. Candidates should focus more on the below-mentioned important total biology chapters for NEET UG 2025 as it has been prepared on the basis of weightage and the frequency of questions over the years.

Class 11: Important topic of Biology for NEET 2025 preparation

Plant Kingdom

  • Types of algae and their pigments

  • General characters of pteridophytes and gymnosperms

Biological classification

  • General features of Monera, Protista, Fungi

Structural organization in plants and animals

  • Root, stem, and leaf anatomy

  • Animals' tissues and their functions, specifically epithelial tissues

Cell: Structure & Functions

  • Mycoplasma, nucleus, chromosomes, ribosomes, chloroplast, and mitochondria

  • Meiosis - Prophase I

Plant physiology

  • C3, C4 cycle

  • Kranz anatomy

  • Glycolysis and Krebs cycle

  • ETS complexes

  • Photoperiodism

  • Transpiration pull

  • Bulk movement in Phloem

  • Mineral deficiency & Nitrogen cycle

Animal/Human Physiology

  • All topics specifically diagrams are very important

Class 12: Biology important topic for NEET preparation


  • Gametogenesis in plants

  • Gametogenesis in humans

  • Reproductive structures in plants and animals

  • Polyembryony, Parthenocarpy, apomixis

  • Menstrual cycle

Genetics & evolution

  • Dihybrid cross, linkage

  • Codominance

  • Pedigree analysis

  • Genetic disorders

  • Darwinism and natural selection

  • Human evolution


  • Process and applications

  • BT cotton, RNAi, Human insulin, Gene therapy, molecular diagnostics

Biology in human welfare

  • Human immunity

  • AIDS, Cancer

  • Drugs

Ecology and environment

  • Environmental issues

  • Biogeochemical cycles

  • Population interactions

  • Adaptations

  • Succession

NEET Biology syllabus 2025 - Best books

The selection of the right books for NEET UG 2025 preparation makes the preparations more convenient for the aspirants. Aspirants can go through the best books for NEET, including Biology from the below-mentioned table with the author’s name.

Best Biology books for NEET 2025



Objective Biology (volumes 1 & 2)

GR Bathla

Biology Classes 11 and 12 (Volume 1 & 2)

Pradeep Publications

Objective Biology (Volume 1, 2, and 3 along with Practice Papers)

Dinesh Publications

A Class Book for Botany

A C Dutta

Objective Biology (volumes 1 and 2)

Trueman Publications

NEET 2025 biology syllabus - Preparation tips

The syllabus of NEET Biology is vast and lengthy, thus it requires a proper preparation strategy to complete it on time. Candidates can follow the below-mentioned Biology preparations tips for NTA NEET 2025 to have convenience for the exam.

  • Avoid reading from multiple sources, during the NEET preparation tips, the NCERT biology textbook should be considered more.

  • All the important NEET biology topics which are aforementioned should be covered thoroughly.

  • Focus more on practising the questions from the NEET Biology syllabus 2025.

  • Aspirants should note that topics like human physiology, plant physiology, reproduction, genetics, and ecology require more attention.

  • In order to improve the speed of attempting NEET questions, attempt more and more NEET 2025 mock tests.

Also read:

List of added and deleted topic in NEET syllabus Biology?

Candidates preparing for NEET UG 2025 must be well acquainted with the revised NEET Biology syllabus along with other subjects as it is crucial requirement to obtain the highest marks in the test. The updated NEET syllabus for Biology can be checked in this article. Topics which were excluded from the Biology syllabus are Three domains of life, Morphology, Transport in plants, Mineral nutrition, Reflex action, Reproduction in organisms and others.

How many chapters are there in NEET syllabus Biology?

The NEET Biology syllabus covers a range of topics. The syllabus of Biology includes 5 units of Class 11 and 5 units of Class 12 NCERT book. These units are further divided into separate chapters and topics. Around 38 chapters from Class 11 & 12 are included in the NEET syllabus biology.

Has NEET biology syllabus Changed for 2025?

Yes, NEET Biology syllabus 2025 has been Changed. NMC has added certain topics under a few units from the NEET Biology syllabus. Aspirants can check the deleted syllabus of NEET 2025 here.

Also read:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is the NEET Biology syllabus 2025 important?

The Biology section in NEET carries the maximum number of questions i.e 100 questions. 

2. What NEET Biology syllabus comprises of?

The Biology syllabus of NEET consists of two important sections Botany and Zoology. Each section contains 50 questions each result to give 360 marks in total because only 45 questions need to be attempted.

3. From which class NEET Biology syllabus has more weightage?

NEET Biology syllabus 2025 carries an almost equal weightage of questions from Class 11 and 12. So, aspirants are required to go through the overall syllabus of NEET Biology for a better result.

4. What does the NEET Biology syllabus consist of?

The NEET 2025 Biology syllabus consists of lots of biological scientific terms and facts which are to be remembered.


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Questions related to NEET

Have a question related to NEET ?

The last cut-off for MBBS students in NEET varies by category and college. Here are the cut-off scores for NEET 2024:

- General Category: 720-162

- SC/ST/OBC Category: 161-127

- General-PH Category: 161-144

- SC/OBC-PH Category: 143-127

- ST-PH Category: 142-127

In the context of admission to MBBS courses through NEET, the last cut-off score is typically the minimum score required for admission to the last seat in the last round of counseling.

Here are some general trends:

- For top medical colleges, the last cut-off score can be as high as 580-600 (out of 720) for General category students.

- For mid-tier medical colleges, the last cut-off score can range from 520-580.

- For lower-tier medical colleges, the last cut-off score can range from 450-520.

These are general trends and the actual cut-off scores can vary significantly from year to year.

As you belong to the BC2 (Bania) category in Jharkhand and General EWS category at the central level, you can choose either of the two categories while filling the NEET application form.

Choosing General EWS Category

- If you choose the General EWS category, you will be eligible for the EWS quota at the central level.

- However, in the state counseling of Jharkhand, you will be considered under the General category and not under the BC2 category.

Choosing BC2 Category

- If you choose the BC2 category, you will be eligible for the BC2 quota in the state counseling of Jharkhand.

- However, you will not be eligible for the EWS quota at the central level.

It is essential to note that once you choose a category, you cannot change it later. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the category wisely, considering your eligibility and preferences.

In your case, if you want to avail the benefits of the BC2 category in the state counseling of Jharkhand, you should choose the BC2 category while filling the NEET application form. However, if you want to avail the benefits of the EWS quota at the central level, you can choose the General EWS category.

It is always a good idea to consult with the state counseling authorities or a career counselor to determine the best course of action based on your specific situation.

Hello Raj,

No, filling the wrong income in the NEET application won't affect your exam eligibility or category-based reservation (since you are from the SC category). However, it might create issues during counseling if income-based benefits (like fee concessions or scholarships) are involved.

If possible, correct it during the correction window (if still open). Otherwise, carry the correct income certificate during counseling to ensure there are no issues.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

Hello Anamika,

If you purchased NEET Companion 2025 , but it's providing 2024 information , it's not justified. You should immediately:

  1. Contact Customer Support : Reach out to the platform or seller where you bought it (NTA, coaching institute, or online marketplace).

  2. Check for Updates : Some platforms update content gradually. Confirm if 2025 data will be added later.

  3. Request a Replacement/Refund : If they fail to provide 2025 material, ask for a refund or replacement.

  4. Review Terms & Conditions : Check if they mentioned any delay in updating content before purchase.

If they don’t resolve the issue, consider raising a complaint on their official website or consumer forums.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

To apply for paramedical colleges, start by researching top institutes offering paramedical courses like BSc Nursing, Medical Lab Technology, or Radiology. Many colleges accept NEET scores, while others conduct their own entrance exams. Check eligibility criteria and application deadlines on official websites. Prepare necessary documents like mark sheets, ID proof, and caste certificates (if applicable). Apply through state counseling portals or directly to private institutions. Gaining hands-on experience through internships will also boost your career prospects in the medical field.

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Column I ( Salivary gland)


Column II ( Their location)



Below tongue

Sub-maxillary / sub-mandibular


Lower jaw




Option: 1

a(i), b(ii) , c(iii)


Option: 2

a(ii), b(i), c(iii)


Option: 3

a(i), b(iii), c(ii)

Option: 4

a(iii), b(ii), c(i)

Ethyl \; ester \xrightarrow[(excess)]{CH_{3}MgBr} P

the product 'P' will be ,

Option: 1

Option: 2

Option: 3

\left ( C_{2}H_{5} \right )_{3} - C- OH

Option: 4




 Valve name                            



    I   Aortic valve     A

Prevents blood from going backward from the pulmonary artery to the right ventricle.

    II   Mitral valve     B

 Prevent blood from flowing backward from the right ventricle to the right atrium.

    III   Pulmonic valve     C

 Prevents backward flow from the aorta into the left ventricle.

    IV   Tricuspid valve     D

 Prevent backward flow from the left ventricle to the left atrium.


Option: 1

I – A , II – B, III – C, IV – D

Option: 2

 I – B , II – C , III – A , IV – D

Option: 3

 I – C , II – D , III – A , IV – B

Option: 4

 I – D , II – A , III – B , IV – C 



Column A Column B

a) Organisation of cellular contents and further cell growth.  


b) Leads to formation of two daughter cells.


c) Cell grows physically and increase volume proteins,organells.


d)  synthesis and replication of DNA.

Match the correct option as per the process shown in the diagram. 




Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3



Option: 4


0.014 Kg of N2 gas at 27 0C is kept in a closed vessel. How much heat is required to double the rms speed of the N2 molecules?

Option: 1

3000 cal

Option: 2

2250 cal

Option: 3

2500 cal

Option: 4

3500 cal

0.16 g of dibasic acid required 25 ml of decinormal NaOH solution for complete neutralisation. The modecular weight of the acid will be

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


0.5 F of electricity is passed through 500 mL of copper sulphate solution. The amount of copper (in g) which can be deposited will be:

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


0.5 g of an organic substance was kjeldahlised and the ammonia released was neutralised by 100 ml 0.1 M HCl. Percentage of nitrogen in the compound is

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


0xone is

Option: 1


Option: 2

\mathrm{Na}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{2}

Option: 3

\mathrm{Li}_{2} \mathrm{O}

Option: 4


(1) A substance  known as "Smack"

(2) Diacetylmorphine

(3) Possessing a white color

(4) Devoid of any odor

(5) Crystal compound with a bitter taste

(6) Obtained by extracting from the latex of the poppy plant

The above statements/information are correct for:

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


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Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.

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Veterinary professionals prevent illness by providing vaccines and offering advice on animal nutrition and overall health. Their knowledge extends beyond household animals and includes livestock, wildlife, and exotic animals. Individuals who love animals and want to treat their illnesses, injuries, and diseases must opt for a career as a veterinary doctor.

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The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

3 Jobs Available

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

3 Jobs Available

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

2 Jobs Available
Narcotics Officer

A Narcotics Officer is an officer employed by the state to investigate the usage of drugs and their trafficking. A narcotics officer conducts undercover operations, investigates suspected drug dealers, executes raids and other appropriate actions for arresting these traffickers to reduce the circulation of drugs in the country. 

A narcotics officer works in collaboration with other government agencies to stop drug trafficking at borders. He or she engages with various NGOs and public organisations to teach people about the dangerous effects of drug usage. A narcotics officer plays an important role in reducing the illegal activities of drug dealers and the circulation of drugs in the nation.

4 Jobs Available
Research Associate

If we talk about a career as a research associate, it all comes down to one thing - curiosity towards nature and the passion to find answers. A career as a research associate is full of thrill and excitement. However, a research associate also faces a lot of challenges and failures while working on a project. A job of a research associate includes a spectrum of Science as a subject in detail. 

2 Jobs Available
Drug Inspector

A career as a Drug Inspector is regarded as one of the most diverse in the field of healthcare and pharmacy. Candidates must undergo a screening process administered by the UPSC and or SPSCs in order to become drug inspectors. Those who manage it through the selection process will have a rewarding career with a high salary.

2 Jobs Available

A Biotechnologist is a professional who possesses strong knowledge and techniques that are utilised in creating and developing innovative products that improve the quality of human life standards. A biochemist uses biological organisms to create and improve goods and procedures for agriculture, medicine, and sustainability. He or she researches the genetic, chemical, and physical characteristics of cells, tissues, and organisms to determine how they can be used industrially.

2 Jobs Available
R&D Personnel

A career as R&D Personnel requires researching, planning, and implementing new programs and protocols into their organization and overseeing new products’ development. He or she uses his or her creative abilities to improve the existing products as per the requirements of the target market.

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