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The AIAPGET cutoff 2024 has been released for all four specialisations - Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha, and Unani. As per the latest update, the qualifying percentile of AIAPGET 2024 for the SC/ ST category has been further reduced by 5 percentile. Earlier the qualifying percentile was reduced by 15 percentile for all the categories, from the 50th percentile for General/ EWS, and 40th percentile for the remaining categories. The AIAPGET cut off marks 2024 for the UR category is 389-123, for SC, ST, and OBC it is 122-106, for UR/EWS PH candidates it is 122-108, and for OBC PH it is 112. The complete AIAPGET cutoff 2024 is provided in this article for all the subjects.
The AIAPGET 2024 cut off marks are prepared based on the result of the entrance exam. The result is prepared based on the AIAPGET answer key. NTA released the AIAPGET Result and also released the AIAPGET cut off marks 2024 at The AIAPGET 2024 cut off with the qualifying percentile was released on July 31. AIAPGET 2024 cutoff marks vary for every category as per their qualifying percentile. The qualifying cutoff for AIAPGET in 2024 for the general category is 50th percentile, for SC/ ST/ OBC it is the 40th percentile, for General PH it is the 45th percentile. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the AIAPGET cutoff 2024 and everything you need to know about it.
The NTA has released the AIAPGET 2024 qualifying marks with the declaration of the result. Candidates who secure the AIAPGET qualifying marks 2024 are considered qualified students and are eligible to sit for the counselling process. The Ayurveda AIAPGET qualifying mark 2024 for the UR category is 389-123, for SC, ST, and OBC PH it is 112.
The AIAPGET 2024 cutoff is released by the NTA along with the declaration of the result. Candidates who secure the AIAPGET cut off 2024 are considered qualified and can sit further for the counselling rounds. The AIAPGET 2024 cut off marks for all the categories is provided below. Candidates can also check the AIAPGET cut off marks 2024 for different subjects.
50th Percentile | UR/EWS | 389 | 123 | |||||||
40th Percentile | OBC | 122 | 106 | |||||||
40th Percentile | SC | 122 | 106 | |||||||
40th Percentile | ST | 122 | 106 | |||||||
45th Percentile | UR/EWS-PWD | 122 | 108 | |||||||
40th Percentile | OBC-PwD | 112 | 112 |
50th Percentile | UR/EWS | 366 | 110 | |||||||
40th Percentile | OBC | 109 | 96 | |||||||
40th Percentile | SC | 109 | 96 | |||||||
40th Percentile | ST | 109 | 96 | |||||||
45th Percentile | UR/EWS-PWD | 106 | 96 | |||||||
40th Percentile | OBC-PwD | 102 | 102 |
50th Percentile | UR/EWS | 312 | 153 | ||||||
40th Percentile | OBC | 152 | 137 | ||||||
40th Percentile | SC | 151 | 137 |
50th Percentile | UR/EWS | 365 | 157 | |||||
40th Percentile | OBC | 156 | 137 | |||||
40th Percentile | SC | 154 | 152 | |||||
40th Percentile | ST | 150 | 142 | |||||
45th Percentile | UR/EWS-PWD | 153 | 152 |
The AIAPGET marks vs rank is the correlation between marks obtained in the exam and the corresponding rank a student gets at a certain score. According to AIAPGET 2024 marks vs rank, rank 1 is given at a score of 389 marks. Similarly, rank 2 is at 366 marks.
The AIAPGET cut off marks 2023 were released separately for the 15% AIQ and the 85% state quota seats. The Ayush Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC) released the AIAPGET 2023 cut off for the AIQ seats, while the respective state counselling authorities released the cutoff for the 85% state quota seats with the opening and closing rank of various institutions.
College Name | Specialisation | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh | MD Moalejat | 2 | 3 |
MD Kulliyat | 7 | 10 | |
MD Ilmul Advia | 11 | 11 | |
MD Kayachikitsa | 1 | 1 | |
MD Stree Roga Evam Prasooti Tantra | 2 | 5 | |
MD Kaumarbhartiya Bala Roga | 7 | 7 | |
MD Shalya Tantra | 9 | 20 | |
MD Panchakarma | 60 | 60 | |
MD Rasashastra evam Bhaishjya Kalpana | 90 | 90 | |
MD Ayurvedic Samhita Siddhanta | 96 | 96 | |
MD Swasthvritta | 100 | 118 | |
MD Dravyagun Vigyan | 138 | 152 | |
MD Roga Nidan evam Vikriti Vigyan | 124 | 184 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 277 | 305 | |
MD Kayachikitsa | 69 | 69 | |
MD Panchakarma | 80 | 80 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 125 | 125 | |
MD Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan | 4 | 4 | |
MD Ilmul Saidla | 5 | 5 | |
Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwa Vidyalaya, Varanasi | MD Shalya | 101 | 101 |
MD Panchakarma | 127 | 127 | |
MD Ayurveda Samhita Evam Siddhant | 259 | 259 | |
MD Kayachikitsa | 34 | 34 | |
MD Panchakarma | 75 | 89 | |
MD Swasthavritta | 208 | 208 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 225 | 225 | |
MD Roganidan and Vikriti Vigyan | 236 | 252 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 348 | 348 | |
MD Rachna Sharir | 350 | 350 | |
MD Homoeopathic Pharmacy | 64 | 64 | |
MD Homeopathic Repertory | 95 | 95 | |
MD Practice of Medicine | 100 | 100 | |
Dr Abhin Chandra Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar | MD Homoeopathic Materia Medica | 61 | 61 |
MD Panchakarma | 392 | 392 | |
MD Dravyaguna | 543 | 543 | |
Dr Gururaju Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Gudivada | MD Repertory | 127 | 127 |
Dr Nori Rama Sastry Government Ayurvedic College, Vijayawada | MD Prasuti Evam Stri Roga | 183 | 183 |
MD Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana | 483 | 483 | |
Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur | MD Prasuti Evam Stri Roga | 128 | 128 |
MD Shalya | 158 | 158 | |
MD Kayachikitsa | 169 | 169 | |
MD Kaumarabhritya Bala Roga | 167 | 174 | |
MD Panchakarma | 237 | 237 | |
MD Kaumarbhritya | 263 | 263 | |
MD Samhita | 481 | 481 | |
MD Swasthavritta | 1813 | 1813 | |
Government Ayurved College, Balangir | MD Ayurveda Samhita Evam Siddhant | 610 | 610 |
MD Kaumarbhritya | 58 | 58 | |
MD Swasthvrutta | 168 | 168 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 191 | 191 | |
MD Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana | 356 | 356 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vijnana | 355 | 355 | |
MD Rasasasthra and Bhaishajyakalpana | 438 | 438 | |
MD Prasuti and Streerog | 31 | 73 | |
MD Kayachikitsa | 111 | 111 | |
MD Swasthavritta | 299 | 299 | |
MD Agadathantra | 300 | 300 | |
MD Ayurveda Sidhantha and Darsana | 378 | 378 | |
MD Kayachikitsa | 229 | 229 | |
Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Guwahati | MD Roga Nidan | 539 | 539 |
MD Panchakarma | 145 | 145 | |
MD Rog Nidhan and Vikriti Vigyan | 386 | 386 | |
MD Kriya Sharira | 482 | 482 | |
MD Dravayagun | 8303 | 8303 | |
MD Shalakya | 137 | 137 | |
MD Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vigyana | 244 | 244 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 448 | 448 | |
Government Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore | MD Homoeopathic Materia Medica | 56 | 56 |
MD Materia Medica | 112 | 112 | |
MD Practice of Medicine | 118 | 118 | |
MD Psychiatry | 144 | 144 | |
MD Repertory | 6 | 6 | |
MD Organon of Medicine and Philosophy | 16 | 16 | |
MD Homoeopathic Repertory | 68 | 1241 | |
Government Homoeopathy Medical College, Kadapa | MD Homoeopathic Pharmacy | 137 | 137 |
MD Kulliyate Tib | 91 | 91 | |
MD Siddha Gunapadam | 31 | 31 | |
MD Siddha Varma Maruthuvam | 49 | 49 | |
MD Siddha Kuzhandhai Maruthuvam | 50 | 50 | |
MD Gunapadam | 5 | 5 | |
MD Nanju Maruthuvam | 55 | 55 | |
MD Kulliyat | 43 | 43 | |
MD Mahiyatul Amraz | 52 | 52 | |
MD Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan | 33 | 33 | |
MD Moalajat | 70 | 70 | |
Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government Autonomous Unani Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal | MD Tahaffuziwa Samaji Tib | 83 | 83 |
Institute for Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar | MD Prasuti Evam Stri Roga | 17 | 22 |
MD Kayachikitsa | 36 | 39 | |
MD Shalya | 29 | 44 | |
MD Panchakarma | 61 | 62 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 82 | 92 | |
MD Kaumarabhritya Bala Roga | 57 | 95 | |
MD Shalakya | 74 | 110 | |
MD Ayurveda Samhita Evam Siddhant | 105 | 153 | |
MD Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana | 14 | 157 | |
MD Kriya Sharira | 230 | 258 | |
MD Swasthavritta | 163 | 285 | |
MD Agada Tantra | 287 | 287 | |
MD Rachana Sharira | 4304 | 4304 | |
Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | MD Prasuti Tantra and Striroga | 4 | 4 |
MD Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant | 40 | 40 | |
MD Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana | 139 | 139 | |
MD Dravyaguna | 146 | 150 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 217 | 217 | |
MD Rachana Sharir | 232 | 234 | |
Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research, Kolkata | M.D RogaNidan | 503 | 503 |
M.D Dravyaguna | 520 | 520 | |
MD Materia Medica | 82 | 82 | |
MD Practice of Medicine | 115 | 115 | |
MD Organon Philosophy | 145 | 145 | |
MD Prasuti Evam Stri Roga | 106 | 106 | |
MD Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vigyana | 353 | 353 | |
MD Rachana Sharira | 387 | 387 | |
MD Dravyaguna | 415 | 415 | |
National Homoeopathy Research Institute Mental Health, Kottayam | MD Practice Of Medicine | 21 | 39 |
MD Psychiatry | 41 | 76 | |
MD Prasuti Tantra Striroga | 6 | 6 | |
MD Kayachikitsa | 49 | 51 | |
MD Shalya Tantra | 43 | 53 | |
MD Kaumabhritya | 63 | 63 | |
MD Panchakarma | 67 | 67 | |
MD Ayurved Samhita | 142 | 165 | |
MD Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana | 176 | 176 | |
MD Rognidan avum Vikriti Vigyan | 160 | 177 | |
MD Dravyaguna | 221 | 221 | |
MD Rachana Sharir | 317 | 321 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 2296 | 2296 | |
MD Homoeopathy Practice of Medicine | 5 | 5 | |
MD Homoeopathy Materia Medica | 1 | 15 | |
MD Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy | 24 | 29 | |
MD Homoeopathy Case Taking and Repertory | 38 | 51 | |
MD Homoeopathy Paediatrics | 40 | 54 | |
MD Homoeopathic Pharmacy | 57 | 57 | |
National Institute of Homoeopathy, New Delhi | MD Homoeopathy Psychiatry | 49 | 49 |
MD Homoeopathy Repertory | 48 | 62 | |
MD Homeopathic Organon of Medicine and Philosophy | 65 | 77 | |
MD Homoeopathic Pharmacy | 81 | 89 | |
MD Homoeopathy Paediatrics | 1649 | 1649 | |
MD Pothu Maruthuvam | 1 | 1 | |
MD Siddha Pura Maruthuvam | 2 | 2 | |
MD Siddha Varma Maruthuvam | 8 | 8 | |
MD Siddha Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam | 20 | 20 | |
MD Siddha Gunapadam | 10 | 22 | |
MD Siddha Noi Nadaal | 11 | 37 | |
MD Siddha Nanju Maruthuvam | 40 | 40 | |
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad | MD Moalajat | 14 | 30 |
MD Ilmul Advia | 69 | 82 | |
MD Practice of Medicine | 3 | 3 | |
MD Organon of Medicine | 9 | 9 | |
MD Rognidan | 126 | 126 | |
MD Agadtantra | 149 | 149 | |
Pt Jawaharlal Nehru State Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Kanpur | MD Materia Medica | 10 | 10 |
MD Repertory | 20 | 20 | |
Pt Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal | MD Kaya Chikitsa | 78 | 78 |
MD Swastha Vritta | 398 | 398 | |
MD Dravya Guna | 428 | 428 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 5173 | 5173 | |
Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Kangra | MD Panchakarma | 250 | 250 |
MD Kriya Sharira | 414 | 414 | |
RBTS Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarpur | MD Practice of Medicine | 105 | 105 |
MD Repertory | 111 | 111 | |
MD Homoeopathic Pharmacy | 121 | 121 | |
Rishikul Government PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Haridwar | MD Kayachikitsa | 122 | 122 |
MD Panchkarma | 143 | 143 | |
MD Rashshartra and Bhaishajyakalpana | 425 | 5297 | |
Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College Hospital, Kurukshetra | MD Panchakarma | 172 | 172 |
MD Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana | 397 | 397 | |
MD Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vigyana | 455 | 455 | |
MD Kriya Sharira | 527 | 527 | |
Shri Narayan Prasad Awasthi Government Ayurved College, Raipur | MD Ayurveda Paediatrics | 215 | 215 |
MD Ayurveda Pathology and Diagnostic Procedures | 327 | 327 | |
MD Ayurveda Anatomy | 435 | 435 | |
MD Ayurveda Physiology | 466 | 466 | |
MD Evam Samhita | 384 | 384 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyan | 440 | 440 | |
MD Rachna Sharir | 447 | 447 | |
MD Tahaffuziwa Samaji Tib | 16 | 16 | |
MD Ilmul Advia | 31 | 31 | |
MD Tashreehul Badan | 573 | 573 | |
State Unani Medical College, Prayagraj | MD Amraze Jildw Tazeeniyat | 6 | 6 |
MD Amraze, Ain, Uzn, Anaf, Halaqwa Asnan | 59 | 59 | |
MD Shalya Tantra | 228 | 228 | |
MD Panchakarma | 306 | 306 | |
The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata | MD Homoeopathic Philosophy | 94 | 94 |
MD Kayachikitsa | 202 | 202 | |
MD Swasthavritha | 260 | 260 | |
MD Agadatantra | 292 | 292 |
College Name | Specification Name | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi | MD Kayachikitsa | 71 | 71 |
MD Kaumarbhartiya Bala Roga | 136 | 136 | |
MD Panchakarma | 204 | 204 | |
MD Rasashastra evam Bhaishjya Kalpana | 667 | 667 | |
MD Shalakya Tantra | 687 | 687 | |
MD Swasthvritta | 760 | 760 | |
Ayurveda and Unani Tibbia College, Karol Bagh, Delhi | MD Kriya Sharir | 945 | 945 |
MD Moalajat | 540 | 540 | |
Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwa Vidyalaya, Varanasi | MD Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana | 1748 | 1748 |
Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi | MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 824 | 824 |
MD Rachna Sharir | 1127 | 1127 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 1192 | 1192 | |
MD Roganidan and Vikriti Vigyan | 13720 | 13720 | |
Dr Allu Ramalingaiah Government Homeopathic Medical College, Rajahmundry | MD Homeopathy Repertory | 551 | 551 |
Dr BR Sur Homeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, New Delhi | MD Practice of Medicine | 4705 | 4705 |
Dr BRKR Government Ayurved Medical College, Hyderabad | MS Shalakya Tantra | 1737 | 1737 |
Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur | MD Agada Tantra | 1540 | 1540 |
MD Rachana Sharira | 1815 | 1815 | |
Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Puri | MD Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga | 1451 | 1451 |
Government Autonomous Dhanwantri Ayurveda College and Hospital, Ujjain | MD Kayachikitsa | 881 | 881 |
Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur | MD Ayurveda Samhita Evam Siddhant | 855 | 855 |
Government Ayurved College, Nanded | MD Dravyaguna | 717 | 717 |
Government Ayurveda College, Ernakulam | MS Prasutitantra | 1330 | 1330 |
Government Ayurveda College, Kannur | MD Kriya Sareera | 1880 | 1880 |
Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram | MD Kaumarbhritya | 821 | 821 |
MD Rasa Sastra | 1354 | 1354 | |
Government Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysore | MD Panchakarma | 1410 | 1410 |
Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Guwahati | MD Kaya Chikitsa | 1765 | 1765 |
Government Ayurvedic College, Patna | MD Ayurved Samhita and Sidhanta | 1342 | 1342 |
MD Rachna Sharir | 1660 | 1660 | |
Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bengaluru | MD Panchakarma | 1131 | 1131 |
Government Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore | MD Homoeopathic Paediatrics | 591 | 591 |
Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Bhopal | MD Homoeopathic Philosophy | 567 | 567 |
MD Repertory | 659 | 659 | |
Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram | MD Homoeopathic Materia Medica | 700 | 700 |
Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai | MD Siddha Pothu Maruthuvam | 99 | 99 |
Government Siddha Medical College, Tirunelveli | MD Noi Naadal | 69 | 69 |
Institute for Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar | MD Kayachikitsa | 342 | 342 |
MD Panchakarma | 458 | 458 | |
MD Prasuti Evam Stri Roga | 469 | 469 | |
MD Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana | 544 | 544 | |
MD Shalakya | 573 | 573 | |
MD Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vigyana | 695 | 695 | |
MD Ayurveda Samhita Evam Siddhant | 698 | 698 | |
MD Swasthavritta | 853 | 853 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 1017 | 1017 | |
MD Rachana Sharira | 1049 | 1049 | |
MD Kriya Sharira | 1100 | 1100 | |
MD Agada Tantra | 1176 | 1176 | |
Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | MD Roganidan | 295 | 295 |
MD Prasuti Tantra and Striroga | 390 | 390 | |
MD Swasthavritta and Yoga | 746 | 746 | |
MD Kaumarbhritya | 13423 | 13423 | |
Madan Mohan Malviya Government Ayurved College, Udaipur | MD Kayachikitsa | 653 | 653 |
Mahesh Bhattacharya Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Howrah | MD Homeopathic Materia Medica | 302 | 302 |
National Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow | MD Materia Medica | 422 | 422 |
National Homoeopathy Research Institute Mental Health, Kottayam | MD Practice Of Medicine | 192 | 528 |
MD Psychiatry | 564 | 612 | |
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur | MD Prasuti Tantra Striroga | 549 | 549 |
MD Swasthavritta | 772 | 772 | |
MD Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana | 871 | 871 | |
MD Rognidan avum Vikriti Vigyan | 906 | 906 | |
MD Kriya Sharir | 932 | 932 | |
MD Dravyaguna | 1129 | 1129 | |
MD Agadtantra | 1521 | 1521 | |
National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata | MD Homoeopathy Materia Medica | 52 | 72 |
MD Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy | 110 | 110 | |
MD Homoeopathy Practice of Medicine | 265 | 265 | |
MD Homoeopathy Case Taking and Repertory | 293 | 293 | |
National Institute of Homoeopathy, New Delhi | MD Homoeopathy Practice of Medicine | 275 | 275 |
MD Homeopathic Materia Medica | 297 | 297 | |
MD Homoeopathy Repertory | 351 | 351 | |
National Institute of Siddha, Chennai | MD Pothu Maruthuvam | 19 | 19 |
MD Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam | 47 | 47 | |
MD Siddha Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam | 59 | 59 | |
MD Siddha Nanju Maruthuvam | 97 | 97 | |
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad | MD Moalajat | 891 | 891 |
Podar Ayurved Medical College, Mumbai | MD Prasuti Tantra and Striroga | 240 | 240 |
Pt Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal | MD Prasuti Evam Stri Roga | 868 | 868 |
RBTS Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarpur | MD Homoeopathic Philosophy | 616 | 616 |
Rishikul Government PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Haridwar | MS Prasuti and Stri Roga | 787 | 787 |
Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College Hospital, Kurukshetra | MD Rachana Sharira | 1882 | 1882 |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 1953 | 1953 | |
Shri Narayan Prasad Awasthi Government Ayurved College, Raipur | MD Ayurveda Social and Preventive Medicine | 1154 | 1154 |
MD Ayurveda Samhita and Basic Principles of Ayurveda | 1604 | 1604 | |
State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow | MD Kriya Sharir | 1658 | 1658 |
State Lal Bahadur Shastri Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Prayagraj | MD Materia Medica | 307 | 307 |
State Unani Medical College, Prayagraj | MD Amraze Atfal | 744 | 744 |
Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun | MD Kaumarabhritya Bala Roga | 1171 | 1171 |
Vaidyaratnam P S Varier Ayurveda College, Kottakkal | MD Dravyadunavignan | 1933 | 1933 |
College Name | Specialisation Name | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi | MD Kaumarbhartiya Bala Roga | 376 | 376 |
MD Panchakarma | 409 | 409 | |
MD Roga Nidan evam Vikriti Vigyan | 1643 | 1643 | |
Ayurveda and Unani Tibbia College, Karol Bagh, Delhi | MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 1148 | 1148 |
MD Munafe ul Aza | 722 | 722 | |
Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi | MD Swasthavritta | 2950 | 2950 |
MD Kriya Sharir | 3325 | 3325 | |
Dr Allu Ramalingaiah Government Homeopathic Medical College, Rajahmundry | MD Homeopathy Organon of Medicine | 1192 | 1192 |
Dr BRKR Government Ayurved Medical College, Hyderabad | MS Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga | 1969 | 1969 |
Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur | MD Agadtantra | 3423 | 3423 |
Government Ayurveda College, Ernakulam | MD Kayachikitsa | 2848 | 2848 |
Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram | MD Shalakya Tantra | 4037 | 4037 |
Government Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysore | MD Swasthavritta | 4383 | 4383 |
Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Patiala | MD Dravyaguna | 4349 | 4349 |
Government Ayurvedic College, Patna | MD Rasashastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana | 3247 | 3247 |
Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Bhopal | MD Paediatrics | 1381 | 1381 |
Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Calicut | MD Homoeopathic Materia Medica | 1141 | 1141 |
Institute for Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar | MD Panchakarma | 767 | 767 |
MD Kaumarabhritya Bala Roga | 796 | 796 | |
MD Swasthavritta | 1689 | 1689 | |
MD Dravyaguna Vigyana | 1824 | 1824 | |
MD Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vigyana | 1884 | 1884 | |
MD Rachana Sharira | 2857 | 2857 | |
Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | MD Kayachikitsa | 264 | 264 |
MD Roganidan | 955 | 955 | |
JSPS Government Homeopathic Medical College, Hyderabad | MD Psychiatry | 1161 | 1161 |
Mahesh Bhattacharya Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Howrah | MD Homoeopathic Repertory | 1278 | 1278 |
National Homoeopathy Research Institute Mental Health, Kottayam | MD Practice Of Medicine | 1033 | 1033 |
MD Psychiatry | 1054 | 1054 | |
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur | MD Prasuti Tantra Striroga | 212 | 212 |
MS Shalakya Tantra | 1500 | 1500 | |
MD Dravyaguna | 2472 | 2472 | |
National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata | MD Homoeopathy Materia Medica | 212 | 212 |
MD Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy | 526 | 526 | |
MD Homoeopathy Case Taking and Repertory | 843 | 843 | |
National Institute of Homoeopathy, New Delhi | MD Homoeopathy Practice of Medicine | 856 | 856 |
National Institute of Siddha, Chennai | MD Pothu Maruthuvam | 456 | 456 |
Podar Ayurved Medical College, Mumbai | MD Rachana Sharir | 2493 | 2493 |
Pt Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal | MD Rachana Sharir | 3966 | 3966 |
Rishikul Government PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Haridwar | MS Shalya Tantra | 2639 | 2639 |
Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College Hospital, Kurukshetra | MD Ayurveda Samhita Evam Siddhant | 4081 | 4081 |
Sri Venkateswara Ayurvedic College, Tirupati | MS Shalya Tantra | 3711 | 3711 |
State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow | MD Prasuti | 1625 | 1625 |
Vaidyaratnam P S Varier Ayurveda College, Kottakkal | MD Samhitha Sidhantha and Sanskrit | 5200 | 5200 |
College Name | Specialisation name | Opening Rank | Closing Rank |
Government Ayurved College and Hospital, Nagpur | MS Shalya Tantra | 84 | 84 |
Government Ayurveda College, Kannur | MS Salyathantra | 198 | 198 |
MS Salakyathantra | 227 | 227 | |
Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Guwahati | MS Shalya Tantra | 275 | 275 |
Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | MS Shalya Tantra | 3 | 2461 |
Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Kangra | MS Shalakya Tantra | 8712 | 8712 |
Rishikul Government PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Haridwar | MS Shalakya Tantra | 131 | 131 |
Shri Narayan Prasad Awasthi Government Ayurved College, Raipur | MS Ayurveda General Surgery | 171 | 171 |
Sri Venkateswara Ayurvedic College, Tirupati | MS Panchakarma | 351 | 351 |
The AIAPGET cutoff 2024 is released by the NTA.
The AIAPGET 2024 cutoff is released in the form of maximum and minimum marks that a candidate must score to qualify for the exam.
The qualifying marks for AIAPGET in 2024 for the general category is the 50th percentile, for SC/ ST/ OBC it is the 40th percentile, for General PH it is the 45th percentile
Application Date:24 February,2025 - 17 March,2025
Application Date:10 March,2025 - 15 April,2025
Application Correction Date:14 March,2025 - 17 March,2025
Admit Card Date:25 March,2025 - 25 March,2025
Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.
A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.
A veterinary doctor is a professional, working in animal healthcare. He or she conducts medical examinations, diagnoses, and treats various illnesses of animals. Animals have distinct internal organs and functions, requiring specialised attention from a veterinary doctor. A doctor who treats humans cannot offer the same level of care to animals due to these variations. Therefore, a veterinary doctor plays a critical role in animal welfare.
Veterinary professionals prevent illness by providing vaccines and offering advice on animal nutrition and overall health. Their knowledge extends beyond household animals and includes livestock, wildlife, and exotic animals. Individuals who love animals and want to treat their illnesses, injuries, and diseases must opt for a career as a veterinary doctor.
Speech therapists are essential medical professionals addressing speech disorders. Whether it's delayed speech in children or difficulties in pronunciation, these experts play a crucial role. This article explores how to become a speech therapist in India, covering courses, colleges, and the responsibilities of this impactful profession.
Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth.
The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.
An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.
Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.
A Narcotics Officer is an officer employed by the state to investigate the usage of drugs and their trafficking. A narcotics officer conducts undercover operations, investigates suspected drug dealers, executes raids and other appropriate actions for arresting these traffickers to reduce the circulation of drugs in the country.
A narcotics officer works in collaboration with other government agencies to stop drug trafficking at borders. He or she engages with various NGOs and public organisations to teach people about the dangerous effects of drug usage. A narcotics officer plays an important role in reducing the illegal activities of drug dealers and the circulation of drugs in the nation.
If we talk about a career as a research associate, it all comes down to one thing - curiosity towards nature and the passion to find answers. A career as a research associate is full of thrill and excitement. However, a research associate also faces a lot of challenges and failures while working on a project. A job of a research associate includes a spectrum of Science as a subject in detail.
A career as a Drug Inspector is regarded as one of the most diverse in the field of healthcare and pharmacy. Candidates must undergo a screening process administered by the UPSC and or SPSCs in order to become drug inspectors. Those who manage it through the selection process will have a rewarding career with a high salary.
A Biotechnologist is a professional who possesses strong knowledge and techniques that are utilised in creating and developing innovative products that improve the quality of human life standards. A biochemist uses biological organisms to create and improve goods and procedures for agriculture, medicine, and sustainability. He or she researches the genetic, chemical, and physical characteristics of cells, tissues, and organisms to determine how they can be used industrially.
A career as R&D Personnel requires researching, planning, and implementing new programs and protocols into their organization and overseeing new products’ development. He or she uses his or her creative abilities to improve the existing products as per the requirements of the target market.
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